On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 8:06:02 PM UTC+1, rupsmaths wrote:
> When i try running puppet agent -t --server <master>
> i get the following error:
> *Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/svn --non-interactive checkout 
> svn+ssh://repo' returned 1: svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, 
> remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion 
> configuration file.*
> *svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly*
> I have added the private key on to my client machine so that i dont have 
> to enter the password again and again.
> What should i do? I hope i have explained the problem good enough..Waiting 
> for your help guys.

Hi. Not sure where that vcsrepo resource is coming from, anyway I guess 
it's a defined resource declaring an Exec that tries to run your svn 
command. Maybe the (shell) environment you're testing your script from is 
different from the one your Puppet run is using (i.e. different users) ?

Anyway, the general advise is to provide the more data and context you can 
if you want others to help you out solving your problem ;) For example, try 
to run puppet with --debug and/or --trace option and see if it gives you 
more hints, by the way the svn error message is already giving you some, so 
maybe also remove (temporally) the -q option there to have more information.

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