On Sunday, December 9, 2012 11:46:58 AM UTC-6, Smashed wrote:
> Has anyone found an elegant solution for working with puppet and rvm? Im 
> using the following module: https://github.com/blt04/puppet-rvm and I 
> keep finding myself having to prefix all of my Exec resources with "'su 
> root -c "source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh && something". Any ideas?

You shouldn't need the "su root -c" part.  All that does in this context is 
spawn a shell to parse and run the command.  Instead, add "provider => 
'shell'" as a parameter of your Execs.

Alternatively, you only need a shell because your command is a pipeline, 
and you only need a pipeline because you want to load the RVM environment 
configuration.  You can avoid doing that explicitly by opening a login 
shell instead of a plain one: "su -l -c 'some command'".  Be warned, 
however, that that will do a full environment setup, not just RVM.

More generally, Puppet Execs are intentionally run in a very sparse 
environment, and those using the 'shell' provider avoid automatically 
processing shell initialization scripts.  If that's not sufficient then it 
is the manifest author's responsibility to ensure that an appropriate 
environment is provided, one way or another.  In addition to using the 
'command' property to do that as discussed above, the 'path' and 
'environment' attributes can help.

To achieve more elegance than that allows, don't exec commands that rely on 
RVM (or anything else that requires complex environment configuration).  Of 
course, if I were feeling catty then I would say that any real hope of 
elegance requires avoiding RVM altogether.  But I'm not feeling catty this 
morning.  :-)


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