Excellent work!
Now I guess there's no excuse to switch my environment to Fedora 19.
Will let you know how it goes in my dev environment.
On 14 July 2013 09:13, Michael Stahnke wrote:
> Fedora 19 is now up on yum.puppetlabs.com.
> As a word of caution, this is the first distro to adopt Ruby 2
Fedora 19 is now up on yum.puppetlabs.com.
As a word of caution, this is the first distro to adopt Ruby 2.0, so there
could be some bugs in a few spots. Please file if you run into them.
You received this
Upon further examination, the Fedora 18 repository is mostly compatible
with Fedora 19.
The only incompatibility is that the Fedora Packaging team has changed how
Ruby requirements are specified in RPM spec files. Instead of ruby(abi), it
is ruby(release). I have written a dummy spec file that