
I'm wondering in which order puppet qualifies variables when using default 
values at the same time. 

I'm trying to set this up for a general ntp-class serving ntp.conf for 
server and client-mode. There is a general params-subclass which defines my 
defaults. One of the variables depends on a variable defined in the same 
class (ntp::params::ntp_server depends on ntp::params::ntp_mode). These 
values are then used to compile ntp.conf. 
All is fine, as long as I do not want to override the variable. I see 
correct servers and options ('broadcast') used in the generated ntp.conf. 
But when I try to reset the variable 'ntp_server' from outside the class 
(i.e. class becomes included in a node definition) only the template uses 
my overwritten value, but not my conditional placed inside 'ntp::params'.

## /etc/ntp.conf: Without override (ntp_mode = server)
server ptbtime1.ptb.de
server ptbtime2.ptb.de
server ptbtime3.ptb.de
server 1.debian.pool.ntp.org


## /etc/ntp.conf: With override (ntp_mode = client)
server ptbtime1.ptb.de      <-- servers should only show ntp1, ntp2
server ptbtime2.ptb.de
server ptbtime3.ptb.de
server 1.debian.pool.ntp.org

                          <-- broadcast is missing, template knows about 
overwritten variable

My manifests/templates look like this:

## manifests/site.pp
include modules.pp
include nodes.pp

## manifests/modules.pp
import 'ntp'

## manifests/nodes.pp
node /^(mgmt).*/ {
  class { 'ntp' :
    ntp_mode => 'client',

## modules/ntp/manifests/params.pp
class ntp::params {
  $config_content = $::os ? {
    default => 'ntp/ntp.conf.default.erb'

  $ntp_mode = $::hostname ? {
    /^(mgmt).*/   => 'server',
    default          => 'client',

  $ntp_server = $ntp_mode ? {
    server  => 
    client  => ['ntp1','ntp2'],
    default => undef,

  $ntp_broadcast = $::broadcast

## modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp
class ntp (
  $ntp_mode                 = $::ntp::params::ntp_mode,
  $ntp_server               = $::ntp::params::ntp_server,
  $ntp_broadcast            = $::ntp::params::ntp_broadcast,
) inherits ntp::params {
  file { $config_name :
    ensure   => file,
    path     => $config_name,
    owner    => $config_owner,
    group    => $config_group,
    mode     => $config_mode,
    content  => template($config_content),

## modules/ntp/templates/ntp.conf.default.erb
 <%- ntp_server.each do |host| -%>
server <%= host %>
<% end -%>

<%- if ntp_mode.to_s == 'server' then %>
broadcast <%= ntp_broadcast %>
<%- end %>

So, I'd like to know is there any way to let puppet re-evaluate 
ntp_server-assignment in ntp::params? Is that qualification intended or may 
I hit a bug here?

Thanks in advance

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