Hi all,

I've added new module (copied one of scietific linux 4 and modified
for scientific linux 5) modified some includes in
host_types/host_groups and added some new nodes but, when trying to
install them, I get this error:

err: Could not create teldata: Invalid parameter provider

I've not modified user_creation module, and most curious is that every
time I run puppet the user where puppet fails is different:

[root@ ~]# /usr/bin/ruby /usr/sbin/puppetd --server=gridinstall.pic.es 
--logdest=/var/log/puppet/puppet.log --test 
err: Could not create edginfo: Invalid parameter provider
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
warning: Configuration could not be instantiated: Invalid parameter provider

[root@ ~]# /usr/bin/ruby /usr/sbin/puppetd --server=gridinstall.pic.es 
--logdest=/var/log/puppet/puppet.log --test 
err: Could not create turbo: Invalid parameter provider
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
warning: Configuration could not be instantiated: Invalid parameter provider

The group is created like:
group { "turbo":
        ensure    => "present",
        gid       => "50026",
        name      => "turbo",
        provider  => "groupadd",

[root@ ~]# rpm -qa|grep puppet
[root@ ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux SL release 5.2 (Boron)

[root@ puppet]# rpm -qa|grep puppet

Anyone find similar error before? What could be the source of the


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