
The source and destination parameters accept both IP address or a
hostname. If using a hostname, the firewall module thinks the rule
changed each time it runs reporting:

notice: /Firewall[300 allow netbackup traffic from
nbmaster2-63.example.com]/source: current_value,
should be nbmaster2-63.example.com (noop)

Is there an easy workaround to this? other than not using hostnames?

A similar issue is also seen with the value of debug-level. From some
reason it always thinks it needs to be reset:

notice: /Firewall[998 drop noisy local traffic]/log_level:
current_value , should be warning (noop)

# Log everything else, then reject it with the default deny rule
firewall { '998 drop noisy local traffic':
    state       => 'NEW',
    log_level   => warning,
    jump        => 'LOG',

iptables -nL shows this rule as:

LOG        tcp  --             /* 998
drop noisy local traffic */ state NEW LOG flags 0 level 4

I tried setting "log_level" to 4, instead of "warning" and got :

notice: /Firewall[998 drop noisy local traffic]/log_level:
current_value , should be 4 (noop)

Thanks a lot.

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