CentOS 5.3 w/ updates
Puppet 0.25.1.rc2 (installed from source)
Mongrel + Nginx

Am I making a mistake or is this a bug?  I've experienced this issue
using 0.24.8 from EPEL also.

Thu Oct 22 13:59:43 -0700 2009 //user::virtual-users_groups/User
[someuser]/ensure (err): change from absent to present failed: Could
not create user someuser: Execution of '/usr/sbin/useradd -G
sshusers,someuser -d /home/someuser -u 4061 -s /bin/bash -c Some User -
p $1$VezlG/$SSk0bJto9WNW4NRatiZJP1 -m someuser' returned 3: useradd:
invalid numeric argument 'someuser'

@user { "someuser":
    ensure     => "present",
    uid        => "4061",
    groups     => [ someuser, sshusers ],
    comment    => "Some User",
    home       => "/home/someuser",
    shell      => "/bin/bash",
    managehome => "true",
    password   => '$1$VezlG/$SSk0bJto9WNW4NRatiZJP1',

class user::sshusers inherits user::virtual-users_groups {

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