>What did you use to test this patch (OS, cloud-init version, specific
> cloudimg)?
I have tested with debian10.
I have done more tests, on my side, the first time I change instance-
id.( so changing ip address for example), it's correctly regenerated or
not the ssh keys.
But, if I change multip
Thank you for the patch.
I tried to test this patch with both a CentOS 8 and Ubuntu 20.04 VM and
it never worked right.
I added another line for 'once|yes|on|true' where ssh_deletekeys is set
to 'true' as that is missing in this patch. Then I tried it with CentOS
8 and cloud-init 19.4.
This define behaviour of ssh server keys generation on cloudinit
config change.
different value:
- once : only once at vmstart (default value)
- no|off|false : never generate ssh key
- yes|on|true: always generate ssh key
When value is defined to 'once', the value is rewriten to 'no'
in vmconfi