Planned to be used for static resource scheduling in the HA manager.

It's enough to broadcast the values whenever they are outdated or not
set in the node's local kv store, because pmxcfs will re-broadcast the
local kv store whenever the quorate partition changes. This is already
relied upon for the 'ceph-versions' kv pair.

Suggested-by: Thomas Lamprecht <>
Signed-off-by: Fiona Ebner <>

To avoid potential left-over stale information, the following
patch would help:

 PVE/Service/ | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

diff --git a/PVE/Service/ b/PVE/Service/
index eac953df..eb0dc130 100755
--- a/PVE/Service/
+++ b/PVE/Service/
@@ -123,6 +123,24 @@ my $generate_rrd_string = sub {
     return join(':', map { $_ // 'U' } @$data);
+my sub broadcast_static_node_info {
+    my ($cpus, $memory) = @_;
+    my $old = PVE::Cluster::get_node_kv('static-info', $nodename);
+    $old = eval { decode_json($old->{$nodename}) } if 
+    if (
+       !defined($old->{cpus}) || $old->{cpus} != $cpus
+       || !defined($old->{memory}) || $old->{memory} != $memory
+    ) {
+       my $info = {
+           cpus => $cpus,
+           memory => $memory,
+       };
+       PVE::Cluster::broadcast_node_kv('static-info', encode_json($info));
+    }
 sub update_node_status {
     my ($status_cfg) = @_;
@@ -175,6 +193,8 @@ sub update_node_status {
     my $transactions = PVE::ExtMetric::transactions_start($status_cfg);
     PVE::ExtMetric::update_all($transactions, 'node', $nodename, $node_metric, 
+    broadcast_static_node_info($maxcpu, $meminfo->{memtotal});
 sub auto_balloning {

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