Hi List,

I would like to assist with PVE development, specifically in the area of 
improving the accessibility of the web UI for users using screen reader 

I have some prior experience in this area and also the ability to test across 
Linux, Mac and Windows.

Obviously there are alternative options for anyone wanting to use PVE with 
assistive technologies such as ‘pvesh’ or creating a whole new UI that talks to 
the PVE API, but having had a bit of a look around the current PVE management 
code I don’t think it will require a lot of time to do.

I notice in pve-manager/www/manager6/Utils.js all the Aria stuff is currently 
disabled, and a comment about components needing to be upgraded.  I assume this 
relates to UI components from an older version of ExtJS that haven’t been made 
compatible with ExtJS 6 yet?

Is there an open bug tracker item for this work that shows any work in progress 
/ work remaining to be done that is a blocker for enabling these Aria features?

Please let me know what I can do to help in order to make some progress on this.



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