
Thanks for your response.

I was looking for a way to increase number of nodes for proxmox ve (A qemu-kvm 
virtulization platform which use a lot corosync of all services)

I wasn't aware of pacemaker-remote, I'll try to have a look at it.

I'll try to keep you in touch with our progress on implementation

@cc this mail to proxmox mailing list



On 21/09/16 01:51, Alexandre DERUMIER wrote: 
> Hello, 
> I just find your post from last year about corosync satelittes 
> http://lists.corosync.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-March/003483.html 
> Is it already in good shape ? Do you have any plan to maintain it or push it 
> upsteam in corosync master ? 
> Regards, 
> Alexandre 


I got quite a lot of the work done on this but then it seemed to lose 
momentum as the people who wanted the feature either lost interest or 
didn't have time to push me for it. 

The code is in my personal git repository here 

There's an example corosync.conf in the remote/ directory to help you 
get started. 

If there's call for it then I'd be happy to resurrect it - though I 
think most of the work has gone into pacemaker-remote recently which, in 
some ways, is a more appropriate layer for remoting clusters. 


Alexandre Derumier 
Ingénieur système et stockage 

Manager Infrastructure 

Fixe : +33 3 59 82 20 10 

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59110 La Madeleine 
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----- Mail transféré -----
De: "ccaulfie" <ccaul...@redhat.com>
À: "Alexandre Derumier" <aderum...@odiso.com>
Envoyé: Jeudi 22 Septembre 2016 10:55:25
Objet: Re: corosync satelitte nodes

On 21/09/16 01:51, Alexandre DERUMIER wrote: 
> Hello, 
> I just find your post from last year about corosync satelittes 
> http://lists.corosync.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-March/003483.html 
> Is it already in good shape ? Do you have any plan to maintain it or push it 
> upsteam in corosync master ? 
> Regards, 
> Alexandre 


I got quite a lot of the work done on this but then it seemed to lose 
momentum as the people who wanted the feature either lost interest or 
didn't have time to push me for it. 

The code is in my personal git repository here 

There's an example corosync.conf in the remote/ directory to help you 
get started. 

If there's call for it then I'd be happy to resurrect it - though I 
think most of the work has gone into pacemaker-remote recently which, in 
some ways, is a more appropriate layer for remoting clusters. 


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