
I have a problem - where I dont know why:

a) First creating via scripts a container with veth and the network
connection to container is fine!
b) Destroying the container and new creating this container - same
settings - and network connection to container fails!
    no ping - no ssh is possible! Not from outside - not from the host self!
c) Enter via host with command "vzctl enter .... " in the container and
ping from inside to outside - and
    connection is fine! Now after this, the network connection from
outside and from host console is fine!
d) Now I can restart the container or stop and start and network
connection is everytime fine!

I can make before c) equal a stop of the firewall with "pvefirewall
stop", but this change nothing!
Only the step with enter in the container resolves the problem and this
I have never before and this I cant understand!

Can this been a problem of newest updates?

Has somewhere an idea? or same problem?

Version: 3.4-15/e1daa307 - Linux 2.6.32-46-pve #1 SMP Tue Jun 28
20:04:58 CEST 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Debian wheezy



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