Hi Pydotorg:

1. Could you please replace the following information on the *PSF Committees
* webpage at http://www.python.org/psf/committees/ under the heading:  “Active
Committees, Infrastructure Committee (IC)” from:
Infrastructure Committee (IC) <http://www.python.org/psf/committees/#id4>


March 24, 2005


Brett Cannon


Brett Cannon (brett at python.org), Richard Jones (richard at python.org),
A.M. Kuchling (amk at amk.ca), Martin v. Löwis (martin at v.loewis.de),
Barry Warsaw (barry at python.org), Thomas Wouters (thomas at python.org)

*Mailing List:*

infrastructure at

This committee works on making concrete plans for improving
python.orginfrastructure and to address technical infrastructure
broadly. The board
created this committee at a special meeting on March 24 2005.

*The information on the webpage should read:*
Infrastructure Committee (IC) <http://www.python.org/psf/committees/#id4>


April 2010


Sean Reifschneider


Sean Reifschneider (jafo at tummy.com)

*Mailing List:*

infrastructure at

This committee works on making concrete plans for improving
python.orginfrastructure and to address technical infrastructure
broadly. The board
created this committee at a special meeting on March 24 2005.

Current resolution: April 2010

*RESOLVED*, that Sean Reifschneider be appointed chairman of the
Infrastructure Committee.

Establishing resolution: Unavailable

2. Could you please add the following information to the *PSF
Committees*webpage at
http://www.python.org/psf/committees/ under the heading:  “Active
Committees, Outreach & Education Committee (OREC)”:
Outreach & Education Committee


June 27, 2011


David Mertz


David Mertz (mertz at gnosis.cx), Gloria Jacobs (strangest at comcast.net),
Jessica McKellar (jessica.mckellar at gmail.com), Daniel Greenfeld (pydanny
at gmail.com), Audrey Roy (audreyr at pyladies.com), Ned Batchelder (ned at
nedbatchelder.com), Asheesh Laroia (asheesh at asheesh.org ), Simon Law
(sfllaw at sfllaw.ca ), and Yannick Gingras (ygingras at ygingras.net).

*Mailing List:*


Establishing resolution:

*RESOLVED*, that the PSF form an official "Outreach and Education" project
management committee with the goals of identifying key initiatives, programs
and subjects in this domain that the PSF can assist, fund or help guide.
This committee will make recommendations to the membership, the board and
its committees and act as a guiding hand for the PSF in this domain. The
committee will be chaired by David Mertz (PSF Director). The initial
membership will be the following individuals: Gloria Jacobs (PSF Director),
Jessica McKellar, Daniel Greenfeld, Audrey Roy, Ned Batchelder, Asheesh
Laroia, Simon Law and Yannick Gingras.

3. Could you please add the following information to the *PSF
Committees*webpage at
http://www.python.org/psf/committees/ under the heading:  “Active
Committees, Sprint Committee (SC)”:
Sprint Committee (SC) <http://www.python.org/psf/committees/#id5>


May 10, 2010


Jesse Noller


Jesse Noller (jnoller at gmail.com), Alex Gaynor (alex.gaynor at gmail.com),
Brian Curtin (brian.curtin at gmail.com), Geremy Condra (debatem1 at
gmail.com), Catherine Devlin (catherine.devlin at gmail.com), Doug Napoleone
(doug.napoleone at gmail.com), Jack Diederich (jackdiedat @gmail.com), Jacob
Kaplan-Moss (jacob at jacobian.org), Kelsey Hightower (kelsey.hightower at
gmail.com), James Mills (unknown), R. David Murray (r. david rdmurray at

*Mailing List:*


The committee will be responsible for the coordination and review and
approval of sprint proposals.

Establishing resolution:

*RESOLVED*, that the Board approves the creation of a specific "Targeted
Sprint Committee" and allocates a yearly budget of 5000 USD for the funding
of targeted, community based sprints with Jesse Noller as the initial
Chairman, and additional members as needed per project requirements and
approved by the board.

4. Could you please replace the following information on the *PSF Committees
* webpage at http://www.python.org/psf/committees/ under the heading:  “Active
Committees, Trademarks Committee (TMC)” from:
Trademarks Committee (TMC) <http://www.python.org/psf/committees/#id5>


November 10, 2008


James Tauber


David Goodger (goodger at python.org), Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal at egenix.com),
Van Lindberg (van.lindberg at gmail.com), David Mertz (mertz at gnosis.cx),
Doug Napoleone (doug.napoleone at gmail.com), James Tauber (jtauber at
jtauber.com), Trevor Toenjes (ttoenjes at gmail.com)

*Mailing List:*

psf-trademarks at

This committee assesses actual and proposed uses of the Python trademarks.
See the PSF Trademark Usage Policy <http://www.python.org/psf/trademarks/>.

Establishing resolution:

*RESOLVED*, that a Project Management Committee designated the "Trademarks
Committee" (TMC) be formed with David Goodger, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Van
Lindberg, David Mertz, Doug Napoleone, James Tauber and Trevor Toenjes as
initial members, and James Tauber as the initial chairman, and that the
Trademarks Committee shall, when so instructed by the PSF Board, assess
trademarks for compliance with the current PSF Trademark Usage Policy and
advise the PSF Board on what action, if any, to take.

*The information on the webpage should read:*
Trademarks Committee (TMC) <http://www.python.org/psf/committees/#id5>


November 10, 2008


David Mertz


Chair David Mertz (mertz at gnosis.cx), David Goodger (goodger at python.org),
Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal at egenix.com), Doug Napoleone (doug.napoleone at
gmail.com), James Tauber (jtauber at jtauber.com)

*Mailing List:*

psf-trademarks at

This committee assesses actual and proposed uses of the Python trademarks.
See the PSF Trademark Usage Policy <http://www.python.org/psf/trademarks/>.

Current resolution: (July 2010)

*RESOLVED*, that the Board reauthorize the Trademarks Committee, with a
membership consisting of Chair David Mertz, and members Marc-Andre Lemburg,
David Goodger, James Tauber, Doug Napoleone. Further resolve that the Chair
shall be authorized to appoint or remove such advisors to the committee as
s/he sees fit, where advisors may offer advice to the committee on legal or
technical issues but shall not vote in discussions nor count towards quorum.

Establishing resolution:

*RESOLVED*, that a Project Management Committee designated the "Trademarks
Committee" (TMC) be formed with David Goodger, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Van
Lindberg, David Mertz, Doug Napoleone, James Tauber and Trevor Toenjes as
initial members, and James Tauber as the initial chairman, and that the
Trademarks Committee shall, when so instructed by the PSF Board, assess
trademarks for compliance with the current PSF Trademark Usage Policy and
advise the PSF Board on what action, if any, to take.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Pat Campbell
PSF Administrator/Secretary
pydotorg-www mailing list

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