On 14.08.2016 12:05, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 8:02 PM, Kent Tong <kent.tong...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've taught a python course with some positive results to high school
>> students with zero experience in programming. Now I am making these course
>> materials (slides in English and lecture videos in Cantonese) freely
>> available as a contribution back to the community
>> (www.istudycenter.org/summercourses/programming-for-kids/python-materials).
>> I'd like to add a link to it from the Wiki page
>> (https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers), but I couldn't
>> create a wiki account: it kept saying "no response from gateway".
>> Would you please help? All I need is to create the link, so if you would
>> help then I don't even need to create an account.
> Easier for you to become an editor. The "no response" message suggests
> that there's an issue with the server, but if you've managed to create
> a user account, I can give you editing powers.
> M-A, does the server need to get some kind of kick in its behind?

It occasionally does. Let me know if the problems persists,
then I can issues a restart of Apache.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Python Software Foundation
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