I haven't used your tools myself, but if they really work well and have a 
tutorial and good documentation, then I'm in favor of adding them. Batteries 



 From: Leif Theden <leif.the...@gmail.com>
To: pygame-users@seul.org 
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 11:51 AM
Subject: [pygame] TMX support in pygame

Hello everyone!  

I'm a long time user of pygame and active member of #pygame under the handle 
bitcraft.  I help many people who stumble into the channel to build their first 
game in pygame.  I've also released and maintain a couple small libraries PyTMX 
and Pyscroll to help new users develop using the Tiled Map Editor.



The Tiled Map Editor is widely known in the indie game community and many 
popular game development ecosystems include out-of-the-box support for it, 
including pyglet, cocos2d-x, allegro5, libgdx, and many others.

I am confident that PyGame will benefit from a TMX loader that it is integrated 
into the core and documented on pygame.org.

As maintainer of PyTMX and pyscroll, I would like to nominate these projects to 
be integrated into the pygame core.  They both support python 2.7 and 3.3+ and 
I have tried to make them feel like native pygame libraries; and they even work 
well with the spite/group concept.  The only library that it depends on outside 
of the python standard lib is the six module.

There are of other loaders available as well, and I will list them as well for 
the consideration of the pygame core developers.  My apologies if I have 
overlooked another tiled TMX map format project.  





Thank you everyone and I look forward to hearing your comments.

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