Carrying over from the previous thread about py2exe, etc. I've messed around with Pypack some more, and now recall what turned me off initially.

1) The script to use is called, but the docs and comments refer to it as pypack. Easy enough to fix, but makes it immediately clear this is alpha code. Hence my reticence to dig far.

2) The .exe it generates doesn't work, yielding this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 33, in ?
 File "Myth/Client/", line 6, in ?
   from twisted.internet import reactor
ImportError: cannot import name reactor

Sure enough, when I look under the "extlib" dir tree, reactor.pyc is missing. So Pypack apparently missed a static import from my starting script -- the 3rd thing I import. My confidence is not high after seeing this, but I gamely copy over reactor.pyc by hand, and ...

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 33, in ?
 File "Myth/Client/", line 8, in ?
   from                       import MythMap, Plains
ImportError: No module named

This is the first import of my code. Turns out is stored under Realms/app/Myth. This leaves me guessing that I actually need to run pypackage from the directory /containing/ my root dir -- in contrast with what the docs say.

Ok... so I try this, and momentarily my reservations vanish, as I see my opening Menu! Until I try to play a game, and see some odd error from PIL:
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 1289, in save exceptions.KeyError: '.png'

Looking at the PIL source it looks like it's expecting some sort of extension to handle .png's, which is apparently missing? Hmmm, I seem to recall a PIL entry for py2exe, so I check that. I hack my code to force import of PngImagePlugin and trick PIL into thinking everything is ok, and PIL now works.

But now I find that twisted.python.threadpool.pyc is missing, because twisted.internet.base imports it dynamically. I would guess this is to avoid Python's refusal to handle circular imports, which is something I'm also forced to do... I copy threadpool.pyc, and then realize that everything threadpool imports I'll also have to manually deal with, or change my code to force import...

Clearly I need someway to manually include certain things, but the Pypack docs give no indication of how to do this... Is there a way to force Pypack to import missing things? I don't know, and so I'm back to futzing with py2exe, for which my .exe is presently looking for datafiles in a different place than py2exe put them. :-(


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