On Saturday 26 May 2007 02:47:41 am DR0ID wrote:
> Hi again
> payback time 2:
> In the past months I have started to write some tutorials for some
> friends. I think other people might be interested too and they do not
> help, if they are not published.
> Here they are:
> http://www.mypage.bluewin.ch/DR0ID/pygame_tutorials.html
> As you can see I want write more tutorials. I hope in time I will get
> there. At the moment its more an introduction on how to use blit.
> Further tutorials will cover more advanced topics as you can see.
> To stay informed, do not forget to subscribe to the RSS feed.
> I would appreciate some feedback.
> Thanks.
> ~DR0ID

Looks great so far, I'm looking forward to the animation and hud sections the 
most ;)

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