        I am just learning to program X and so far the only experiance I have
had is using python and pyGTK/pyGnome. I am writing a program that uses
the GtkCList class and in the GTK tutorial they stress the importance of
setting the correct widths for the various columns, at first I was just
going to use the settings that worked best on my computer as it is
currently set up, but then it occured to me that if I changed my default
font or if I gave the program to someone else who was using a different
font than the one I use that the best values for the column width would
also change.
        Looking at the example at the bottom of the GtkClist section of the GTK
tutorial they don't show how to get any font info. I found the area in
the GDK referance docs that tells how to get font info on a particular
font, but I have not been able to find anything on how to find out what
font is being used. If anyone can tell me where to find this I would be

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