On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all ! 
> I would like to know how is organized the development of pygtk bindings, and 
> what you are planning to do . I remenmber a thread about this in this mailing 
> list, but I don't know if it is still the case. So my questions are : 
> 1/ Are you james the lone programmer of that bindings, with people submitting 
> patches, or is it a collective work for now ?
> are you planning to release 0.7.0 for GTK+ 2.0 or 1.2.8 - or 1.2.x ?

I do most of the work on pygtk, but others do submit bug fixes.  The work
on the gtk-1.2 based rewrite has been stopped.  Instead, I rolled most of
the changes from the rewrite to the gtk+-2.0 based pygtk (which has been
held up a bit lately, as I am waiting for Tim Janik to finish off the
GObject signals).

The reason for stopping work on the 1.2 based rewrite was that the rewrite
would break compatibility, and be followed by gtk+-2.0 shortly after that,
which would introduce its own compatibility problems.  By rolling the
rewrite into the gtk+-2.0 update, I only break compatibility once.

> 2/ What do you think would be of help to make pygtk more accepted and generally 
> better ? In what domain could we (readers of this mailing list) help ?
> web site / doc / review / patches / ... 

Some of these things would be helpful.  

> 3/ Do you plan to invest much time in pygtk & pygnome development or is it one 
> of you not-so-great priorities ? (not assuming you're doing really a great job 
> now !)

This year I have been fairly busy at university (it is my honours year),
which takes up some of my time, but I still work on pygtk.

> These questions have nothing to mean. I just wanted to know more about what 
> is going there and maybe to let you explain what you need in order for people 
> to help you further.
> Be sure that I personnaly find your work and the time you already spent on it 
> extremely valuable.
> cordially,
> xavier. (a non native english as you may have noticed)


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