On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 10:24:34PM -0400, David Allen wrote:

> First to clarify a bit, the widget I'm looking for would probably be a
> new one, (I think) not just a 'compound' widget combining preexisting
> ones.  The problem I'm having is this.  I need something that looks like a
> GtkCTree with columns, but that can hold arbitrary widgets within the
> columns.  Perusing Havoc Pennington's book on GNOME, I see this under
> GtkCtree:
> (...) tree with expandable nodes instead of a simple list.  GtkTree is
> a more flexible tree widget, (it can have arbitrary widgets in the
> tree cells) but is less efficient (...)

Actually, the CTree was supposed to replace the Tree completely.
The only missing thing is that you cannot put Widgets in cells.
Incidentially, the data structures are already prepared for this
but the is no code support. I would suggest that you complete the
CTree instead of writing your own (third) tree widget. You should
get in contact with the Gtk authors and check what has been done
in this area for Gtk 2.0 (look at the gtk-dev mailing lists on

Then, you just have to add a couple of new methods to pygtk :-)

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