I sent this question to the GTK list a couple of days ago, but did not
have any luck so I thought I give this list a try also, hope you do
not mind the cross post.


I need to know when a TextBuffer mark enters a different
text direction. I tied to get the text direction from a text iter.
However I seems like it's always set to GTK_TEXT_DIR_NONE even if I
can see it renders a RTL.

Here's the pyGTK code I use to get the direction:
textattrs = gtk.TextAttributes()
textattrs .direction
Am I I doing something wrong or is there another way of getting the
text direction?

Another issue with BIDI in GTK that causes problems for me is that GTK
does not respect the "gtk_widget_set_direction" but always tries to
"guess" the paragraph direction. See
Does anyone know if there is any solution in sight for this?

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