On 2008-01-07, Steven Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My situation:
> I have a gtk.HBox with three widgets, a gtk.Progressbar, a 
> gtk.HSeperator and a gtk.Statusbar in the gtk.HBox. I would like the 
> gtk.Progressbar and gtk.Statusbar to have minimum fixed widths and fixed 
> heights, similar to what one expects from a Menu. I've tried 
> "gtk.Widget.set_size_request", which set the minimum size width and 
> height very nicely. Now how do I fix the height i.e. maximum = minimum ?

You don't set the size of the widget. When you add the widget to the
hbox, you set the set expand=False:

    hbox.pack_start(progressbar, expand=False)

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