I would like to see a the security topic being covered. I would like to see
how to handle the TOP10 OWASP security threats in Pyramid by simple
examples. Just to get the idea for those who are new to this and make
others aware that this is an important part of web development. I think
this sho
I'd be good to explain a bit about the history of the framework, how it
relates to Zope (and not), but I believe I'd be very interesting to tell
something how python frameworks have evolved and where Pyramid stands as
part of this process.
2017-07-14 6:10 GMT-03:00 Christoph Zwerschk
Am 14.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Steve Piercy:
> * How do I use with Pyramid?
The book should distinguish between JavaScript-enhanced server-side
PYramid applications and use of Pyramid as the backend for single-page
applications. In the latter case you would use Pyramid only as a GraphQL
or RE
On 7/13/17 at 1:32 PM, carlos.delaguar...@gmail.com (Carlos de
la Guardia) pronounced:
lets say I'm interested. What do people on this list think such a book
should cover. How can it be useful to both beginners and long time users?
I'd steer away from a topic-based approach. The narrative do