Hi Thomas,
This is a single docking poses produced by Autodock Vina. I did get several
poses, but all of them look similar and a flat structure. I am thinking of
that this might be due to the 2D (not 3D) structure of the lipid which I
used for protein docking as I was not able to get a 3D for this
I am trying to rotate the torsional angle in the peptide. However, instead
of using PyMol I want to write a small script myself to understand better.
I am trying to use the rotation matrix for axis-angle rotation but I am not
able to do successfully. Can someone please help me in doing this.
Hi Wei,
Is this an ensemble of docking poses all overlayed in the same PDB file, and
not separated by MODEL records? PyMOL does distance based bonding when loading
data from PDB files. Which docking program generated this file?
> On Jul 9, 2018, at 4:57 PM, Wei Song wrote: