these displays for a rainy day. I've just given up on stereo and switched to using higher-end LCD displays. Less energy, less heat, and less eye
fatigue for me.

Let me quote myself from a posting to o-info from September 1994:

> Real men don't Use Stereo

A few hours later, Eleanor replied:

> Morten - you are getting old! 15 years ago:
> Real Men Don't Use Colour.
>  Eleanor

You can add another 10 years to the 15...

Boy, I hate to be right! In fact, I am actually considering giving up on colour... ;-)


Morten Kjeldgaard, asc. professor, MSc, PhD
Department of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University
Gustav Wieds Vej 10 C, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
Lab +45 89425026 * Mobile +45 51860147 * Fax +45 86123178
Home +45 86188180 *

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