Nir London
Rosetta Design Group
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Hi PyMOL list,
Can anyone help Mariana with her question ?
Nir London.
Rosetta Design Group
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lp me ?
Thanks. "
Nir London.
Rosetta Design Group.
ll a beta version.
Hope to see you there,
Nir London.
Rosetta Design Group | http://rosettadesigngroup.com/
choose one of the other viewers if you
like them more) but most importantly drop a comment as to why YOUR
viewer is the best.
Disclaimer: for fairness, similar messeges are sent to the other
competitors mailing lists as well, but we like yours the most ;)
Nir London.
Rosetta Design G
Have you ever tried to represent your protein as a “sausage”-style
cartoon, with the tube diameter scaled by values in the B-factor
column ? We present an array of useful PyMOL scripts links to solve
your problem.
PyMOL scripts collection: http://rosettadesigngroup.com/blog/?p=10