Some background: I'm an undergraduate student and am doing research with my 
professor about modeling protein conformational changes. I am new to this field 
and and am actively learning how to use command lines, python and other 
relative tools. I have simulated how the protein will walk with CAMPARI and 
have gotten back 3000 trajectory (pdb) files, my question is: how do I use 
PyMOL to make a movie by using those trajectory files? Basically, I want to 
know how to visualize how the protein moved from the first pdb file to the 
second, then to the third, etc.

I tried morphing two pdb files with one step from file_1.pdb to file_2.pdb, I 
aligned them first, then morphed them. I'm not sure how to go from there 
because I had a result file with 2 states and 2 frames, then when I tried to 
morph the result file with file_3.pdb, it did not work as I expected.

please let me know if you have questions, and I really appreciate the help.

Thank you for the help,


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