On Monday, December 24, 2018 at 3:12:59 PM UTC-5, Sumana Harihareswara 
> It's been eight months since the release of Warehouse[0] and the 
> sunsetting of legacy PyPI[1]. Following up from our meeting at PyCon in 
> May[2], Changeset Consulting is back on board for another round of project 
> management to facilitate next steps! For the next 3-6 months this work will 
> be spearheaded by myself (Sumana) assisted by Jenny Ryan (
> https://jennyryan.net ). 
> The goal over these upcoming months is to create, steward and facilitate 
> internal and public-facing communications to aid the folks within PyPA. 
> What this means is that we'll be focused on the following: 
> * Facilitating regular meetings of and for maintainers and contributors; 
> * Stewarding communications with various PyPA stakeholders, including 
> funders and users; 
> * Organizing, labelling, prioritizing, and responding to GitHub issues; 
> * Coordinating public communications, such as announcements, sprints, and 
> calls for participation; 
> * Maintaining and improving documentation, meeting notes and development 
> roadmaps for PyPA projects. 
> Feedback from and participation by the Python packaging developer 
> community is obviously part and parcel of this project, so you may see some 
> new "here's what I think is up with this issue, is that right?" questions 
> on old unresolved discussions. And we'll be asking questions on this & 
> other lists and on GitHub and in IRC to collect ideas, concerns, and other 
> productive input regarding the tools roadmaps. 
> You'll be seeing more details in mid-January to properly kick off this 
> next chapter of levelling up PyPI and the PyPA -- just wanted to give y'all 
> a heads-up. 
> But of course, if you were already planning on using the next few weeks to 
> do issue triage and roadmap-writing and PyCon planning, please don't wait 
> for us -- that'll make this work all the easier. 
> Thanks, 
> Sumana Harihareswara 
> [0] 
> https://blog.python.org/2018/04/new-pypi-launched-legacy-pypi-shutting.html 
> [1] 
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/distutils-...@python.org/thread/YREMU56QKRMTTFBFVFJ2B4EHOEKOJZFJ/
> [2] 
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/distutils-...@python.org/thread/CCOV6PITEWELONZHP4ZHXALBFQA3K3MY/
> -- 
> Sumana Harihareswara 
> Changeset Consulting 
> https://changeset.nyc 

I wanted to give a very belated update on this work, which I think many of 
you have seen in glimpses or at sprints. (This is separate from the Open 
Tech Fund-funded work to improve security, accessibility, and localization 
for PyPI 

I regret that I didn't do a proper public kickoff earlier in the year, and 
instead -- once I was back from some family travel that took up all of 
January -- jumped into particular bits of work that needed doing. Due to 
that delay, this work is extending from the original 3-6 month timeline 
into more like 9 months from the start (with no increase in the number of 
hours or the amount PSF is paying Changeset, to be clear). I apologize for 

Changeset has done a bunch of PyPA-related coordination and communication, 
reaching out to stakeholders, responding to and organizing GitHub issues 
and discuss.python.org threads (such as following up on the minisummit at 
PyCon <https://discuss.python.org/t/pycon-us-packaging-mini-summit-2019/833>), 
helping maintainers and contributors speak up about their progress and 
needs (examples: Pradyun's recent pip progress report 
<https://pradyunsg.me/blog/2019/06/23/pip-update/> and the manylinux thread 
on Discourse 
fundable projects and grants/directed gifts that could support future PyPA 
work <https://wiki.python.org/psf/Fundable%20Packaging%20Improvements>, and 
writing/improving some docs. Quite a bit of the work has been in one-on-one 
conversation or in person at sprints 
<https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingSprints>, so there's less linkable 
public work product about that.

There's still work to be done, particularly on funding, manylinux, PyPA 
documentation (in particular how we talk about ourselves to ourselves and 
to our upstreams, partners, and downstreams), and the development roadmap. 
I aim to have Changeset make a swath of updates to https://pypa.io and 
would welcome committer privileges for GitHub user "brainwane" on 
https://github.com/pypa/pypa.io/ .

I think this update also relates to the governance thread on Discourse 
so I'll link to this there.

Hope that the work so far has been helpful to members of the PyPA, and that 
I can make the rest of the work go smoother and provide more updates along 
the way.


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