Author: Armin Rigo <>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5653:6930f22b654b
Date: 2016-07-18 17:14 +0200

Log:    Slides, from the Swiss Python Summit

diff --git a/talk/ep2016/Makefile b/talk/ep2016/Makefile
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+slides.pdf: slides.tex author.latex
+       pdflatex $<
+slides.tex: slides.rst
+ slides.rst > slides.tex
+       sed 's/\\date{}/\\input{author.latex}/' -i slides.tex || exit
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+\definecolor{rrblitbackground}{rgb}{0.4, 0.0, 0.0}
+\title[CFFI and PyPy]{CFFI and PyPy}
+\author[Armin Rigo]{Armin Rigo}
+\institute{EuroPython 2016}
+\date{July 2016}
diff --git a/talk/ep2016/slides.rst b/talk/ep2016/slides.rst
new file mode 100644
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+CFFI and PyPy
+.. raw:: latex
+   \catcode`\|=13
+   \def|{\hskip 1cm}
+   \let\foobarbaz=>
+   \catcode`\>=13
+   \def>{\foobarbaz\relax}
+* successful project according to PyPI
+* 3.4 million downloads last month
+* total 19.2 millions, 27th place on ``
+  - Django is 28th
+* some high-visibility projects have switched to it (Cryptography)
+* harder to say, but probably not so successful
+* more later
+* call C from Python
+* CFFI = C Foreign Function Interface
+* shares ideas from Cython, ctypes, and LuaJIT's FFI
+CFFI demo
+ |    $ man getpwuid
+ | 
+ |    |      #include <sys/types.h>
+ |    |      #include <pwd.h>
+ |    |
+ |    |      struct passwd *getpwnam(const char *);
+CFFI demo
+ |       .
+ |       .
+ |       .
+ |       The passwd structure is defined in <pwd.h>
+ |       as follows:
+ |
+ |       struct passwd {
+ |       |      char   *pw_name;       /* username */
+ |       |      char   *pw_passwd;     /* user password */
+ |       |      uid_t   pw_uid;        /* user ID */
+ |       .
+ |       .
+ |       .
+CFFI demo
+ |  import cffi
+ |  ffi = cffi.FFI()
+ |
+ |  ffi.cdef("""
+ |  |     typedef int... uid_t;
+ |  |     struct passwd {
+ |  |     |     uid_t pw_uid;
+ |  |     |     ...;
+ |  |     };
+ |  |     struct passwd *getpwnam(const char *);
+ |  """)
+CFFI demo
+ | ffi.set_source("_pwuid_cffi", """
+ | |    #include <sys/types.h>
+ | |    #include <pwd.h>
+ | """)
+ |
+ | ffi.compile()
+ |
+... and put that in
+CFFI demo
+ | python
+ |
+CFFI demo
+  from _pwuid_cffi import lib
+  print lib.getpwnam("username").pw_uid
+CFFI demo
+  from _pwuid_cffi import ffi, lib
+* ``lib`` gives access to all functions from the cdef
+* ``ffi`` gives access to a few general helpers
+ |   ffi.cdef("""
+ |   |   int foo1(int a, int b);
+ |   |
+ |   |   typedef ... Window;
+ |   |   Window *make_window(int w, int h);
+ |   |   void hide_window(Window *);
+ |   """)
+ |   >>> p ="char[]", "Some string")
+ |   >>> p
+ |   <cdata 'char[]' owning 12 bytes>
+ |
+ |   >>> p[1]
+ |   'o'
+ |
+ |   >>> q = lib.getpwnam(p)
+ |   >>> q
+ |   <cdata 'struct passwd *' 0x12345678>
+ |
+ |   >>> q.pw_uid
+ |   500
+ |   >>> p = lib.getpwnam("root")
+ |   >>> p
+ |   <cdata 'struct passwd *' 0x12345678>
+ |
+ |   >>> ffi.cast("void *", p)
+ |   <cdata 'void *' 0x12345678>
+ |
+ |   >>> ffi.cast("long", p)
+ |   305419896
+ |   >>> hex(_)
+ |   0x12345678
+ |   >>> h1 = ffi.new_handle(some_object)
+ |   >>> h1
+ |   <cdata 'void *' handle to
+ |   | | | | <X object at 0x123456>>
+ |   >>> lib.save_away(h1)
+ |
+ |   >>> h2 = lib.fish_again()
+ |   >>> h2
+ |   <cdata 'void *' 0x87654321>
+ |
+ |   >>> ffi.from_handle(h2)
+ |   <X object at 0x123456>
+ |   >>> p
+ |   <cdata 'struct passwd *' 0x12345678>
+ |
+ |   >>> p.pw_uid
+ |   500
+ |
+ |   >>> p.pw_name
+ |   <cdata 'char *' 0x5234abcd>
+ |
+ |   >>> ffi.string(p.pw_name)
+ |   "username"
+* supports more or less the whole C
+* there is more than my short explanations suggests
+* read the docs:
+* a Python interpreter
+* different from the standard, which is CPython
+* main goal of PyPy: speed
+ |   $ pypy
+ |  Python 2.7.10 (5f8302b8bf9f, Nov 18 2015,
+ |  [PyPy 4.0.1 with GCC 4.8.4] on linux2
+ |  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or
+ |  >>>> 2+3
+ |  5
+ |  >>>>
+* run ``pypy``
+* starts working like an interpreter
+* then a Just-in-Time Compiler kicks in
+* generate and execute machine code from the Python program
+* good or great speed-ups for the majority of long-running code
+* different techniques than CPython also for "garbage collection"
+* works very well (arguably better than CPython's reference counting)
+PyPy: Garbage Collection
+* "**moving,** generational, incremental GC"
+* objects don't have reference counters
+* allocated in a "nursery"
+* when nursery full, find surviving nursery objects and move them out
+* usually work on nursery objects only (fast), but rarely also perform
+  a full GC
+PyPy: C extensions
+* PyPy works great for running Python
+* less great when there are CPython C extension modules involved
+PyPy: C extensions
+* not directly possible: we have moving, non-reference-counted objects,
+  and the C code expects non-moving, reference-counted objects
+PyPy: C extensions
+* PyPy has still some support for them, called its ``cpyext`` module
+* similar to IronPython's Ironclad
+* emulate all objects for C extensions with a shadow, non-movable,
+  reference-counted object
+PyPy: C extensions
+* ``cpyext`` is slow
+* ``cpyext`` is actually *really, really* slow
+  - but we're working on making it *only* slow
+PyPy: C extensions
+* ``cpyext`` will "often" work, but there are a some high-profile C
+  extension modules that are not supported so far
+* notably, ``numpy``
+* (it is future work)
+PyPy: ad
+* but, hey, if you need performance out of Python and don't rely
+  critically on C extension modules, then give PyPy a try
+  - typical area where it works well: web services
+CPython C API: the problem
+* CPython comes with a C API
+* very large number of functions
+* assumes objects don't move
+* assumes a "reference counting" model
+CPython C API
+* actually, the API is some large subset of the functions inside
+  CPython itself
+CPython C API
+* easy to use from C
+* historically, part of the success of Python
+CPython C API
+* further successful tools build on top of that API:
+  - SWIG
+  - Cython
+  - and other binding generators
+  - now CFFI
+* but CFFI is a bit different
+  - it does not expose any part of the CPython C API
+  - everything is done with a minimal API on the ``ffi`` object
+    which is closer to C
+    - ``ffi.cast()``, ````, etc.
+  - that means it can be directly ported
+CFFI and PyPy
+* we have a PyPy version of CFFI
+* the demos I have given above work equally well on CPython or on PyPy
+* (supporting PyPy was part of the core motivation behind CFFI)
+CFFI: performance
+* in PyPy, JIT compiler speeds up calls, so it's very fast
+* in CPython, it doesn't occur, but it is still reasonable when
+  compared with alternatives
+* main issue is that we write more code in Python with CFFI,
+  which makes it slower on CPython---but not really on PyPy
+CFFI: summary
+* call C from Python
+* works natively on CPython and on PyPy
+  - and easy to port to other Python implementations
+* supports CPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 to 3.5, and
+  is integrated with PyPy
+* independent on the particular details of the Python implementation
+  - using CFFI, you call C functions and manipulate C-pointer-like
+    objects directly from Python
+  - you do in Python all logic involving Python objects
+  - there are no (official) ways around this API to call the CPython C
+    API, and none are needed
+* two reasons to switch to it ``:-)``
+  - easy and cool
+  - better supported on non-CPython implementations
+CFFI: latest news
+* support for "embedding" Python inside some other non-Python program
+  - now you really never need the CPython C API any more
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