Author: Carl Friedrich Bolz <>
Branch: remove-objspace-options
Changeset: r83834:311cb478ad96
Date: 2016-04-23 11:41 +0300

Log:    use mapdict for all the subclassing

        replace a huge mess by a different kind of (smaller) mess

diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/ b/pypy/interpreter/
--- a/pypy/interpreter/
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/
@@ -98,175 +98,51 @@
 # reason is that it is missing a place to store the __dict__, the slots,
 # the weakref lifeline, and it typically has no interp-level __del__.
 # So we create a few interp-level subclasses of W_XxxObject, which add
-# some combination of features.
-# We don't build 2**4 == 16 subclasses for all combinations of requested
-# features, but limit ourselves to 6, chosen a bit arbitrarily based on
-# typical usage (case 1 is the most common kind of app-level subclasses;
-# case 2 is the memory-saving kind defined with __slots__).
-#  +----------------------------------------------------------------+
-#  | NOTE: if withmapdict is enabled, the following doesn't apply!  |
-#  | Map dicts can flexibly allow any slots/__dict__/__weakref__ to |
-#  | show up only when needed.  In particular there is no way with  |
-#  | mapdict to prevent some objects from being weakrefable.        |
-#  +----------------------------------------------------------------+
-#     dict   slots   del   weakrefable
-# 1.    Y      N      N         Y          UserDictWeakref
-# 2.    N      Y      N         N          UserSlots
-# 3.    Y      Y      N         Y          UserDictWeakrefSlots
-# 4.    N      Y      N         Y          UserSlotsWeakref
-# 5.    Y      Y      Y         Y          UserDictWeakrefSlotsDel
-# 6.    N      Y      Y         Y          UserSlotsWeakrefDel
-# Note that if the app-level explicitly requests no dict, we should not
-# provide one, otherwise storing random attributes on the app-level
-# instance would unexpectedly work.  We don't care too much, though, if
-# an object is weakrefable when it shouldn't really be.  It's important
-# that it has a __del__ only if absolutely needed, as this kills the
-# performance of the GCs.
-# Interp-level inheritance is like this:
-#        W_XxxObject base
-#             /   \
-#            1     2
-#           /       \
-#          3         4
-#         /           \
-#        5             6
+# some combination of features. This is done using mapdict.
-def get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, hasdict, wants_slots,
-                                    needsdel=False, weakrefable=False):
+# we need two subclasses of the app-level type, one to add mapdict, and then 
+# to add del to not slow down the GC.
+def get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, needsdel=False):
     "NOT_RPYTHON: initialization-time only"
     if hasattr(cls, '__del__') and getattr(cls, "handle_del_manually", False):
         needsdel = False
     assert cls.typedef.acceptable_as_base_class
-    key = config, cls, hasdict, wants_slots, needsdel, weakrefable
+    key = config, cls, needsdel
         return _subclass_cache[key]
     except KeyError:
-        subcls = _getusercls(config, cls, hasdict, wants_slots, needsdel,
-                             weakrefable)
+        # XXX can save a class if cls already has a __del__
+        if needsdel:
+            cls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, False)
+        subcls = _getusercls(config, cls, needsdel)
         assert key not in _subclass_cache
         _subclass_cache[key] = subcls
         return subcls
 get_unique_interplevel_subclass._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:memo"
 _subclass_cache = {}
-def _getusercls(config, cls, wants_dict, wants_slots, wants_del, weakrefable):
+def _getusercls(config, cls, wants_del, reallywantdict=False):
+    from rpython.rlib import objectmodel
+    from pypy.objspace.std.mapdict import (BaseUserClassMapdict,
+            MapdictDictSupport, MapdictWeakrefSupport,
+            _make_storage_mixin_size_n)
     typedef = cls.typedef
-    if wants_dict and typedef.hasdict:
-        wants_dict = False
-    if not typedef.hasdict:
-        # mapdict only works if the type does not already have a dict
-        if wants_del:
-            parentcls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, True, 
-                                                        False, True)
-            return _usersubclswithfeature(config, parentcls, "del")
-        return _usersubclswithfeature(config, cls, "user", "dict", "weakref", 
-    # Forest of if's - see the comment above.
+    name = cls.__name__ + "User"
+    mixins_needed = [BaseUserClassMapdict, _make_storage_mixin_size_n()]
+    if reallywantdict or not typedef.hasdict:
+        # the type has no dict, mapdict to provide the dict
+        mixins_needed.append(MapdictDictSupport)
+        name += "Dict"
+    if not typedef.weakrefable:
+        # the type does not support weakrefs yet, mapdict to provide weakref
+        # support
+        mixins_needed.append(MapdictWeakrefSupport)
+        name += "Weakrefable"
     if wants_del:
-        if wants_dict:
-            # case 5.  Parent class is 3.
-            parentcls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, True, 
-                                                        False, True)
-        else:
-            # case 6.  Parent class is 4.
-            parentcls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, False, 
-                                                        False, True)
-        return _usersubclswithfeature(config, parentcls, "del")
-    elif wants_dict:
-        if wants_slots:
-            # case 3.  Parent class is 1.
-            parentcls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, True, 
-                                                        False, True)
-            return _usersubclswithfeature(config, parentcls, "slots")
-        else:
-            # case 1 (we need to add weakrefable unless it's already in 'cls')
-            if not typedef.weakrefable:
-                return _usersubclswithfeature(config, cls, "user", "dict", 
-            else:
-                return _usersubclswithfeature(config, cls, "user", "dict")
-    else:
-        if weakrefable and not typedef.weakrefable:
-            # case 4.  Parent class is 2.
-            parentcls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(config, cls, False, 
-                                                        False, False)
-            return _usersubclswithfeature(config, parentcls, "weakref")
-        else:
-            # case 2 (if the base is already weakrefable, case 2 == case 4)
-            return _usersubclswithfeature(config, cls, "user", "slots")
-def _usersubclswithfeature(config, parentcls, *features):
-    key = config, parentcls, features
-    try:
-        return _usersubclswithfeature_cache[key]
-    except KeyError:
-        subcls = _builduserclswithfeature(config, parentcls, *features)
-        _usersubclswithfeature_cache[key] = subcls
-        return subcls
-_usersubclswithfeature_cache = {}
-_allusersubcls_cache = {}
-def _builduserclswithfeature(config, supercls, *features):
-    "NOT_RPYTHON: initialization-time only"
-    name = supercls.__name__
-    name += ''.join([name.capitalize() for name in features])
-    body = {}
-    #print '..........', name, '(', supercls.__name__, ')'
-    def add(Proto):
-        for key, value in Proto.__dict__.items():
-            if (not key.startswith('__') and not key.startswith('_mixin_')
-                    or key == '__del__'):
-                if hasattr(value, "func_name"):
-                    value = func_with_new_name(value, value.func_name)
-                body[key] = value
-    if "dict" in features:
-        from pypy.objspace.std.mapdict import BaseMapdictObject, ObjectMixin
-        add(BaseMapdictObject)
-        add(ObjectMixin)
-        body["user_overridden_class"] = True
-        features = ()
-    if "user" in features:     # generic feature needed by all subcls
-        class Proto(object):
-            user_overridden_class = True
-            def getclass(self, space):
-                return promote(self.w__class__)
-            def setclass(self, space, w_subtype):
-                # only used by descr_set___class__
-                self.w__class__ = w_subtype
-            def user_setup(self, space, w_subtype):
-       = space
-                self.w__class__ = w_subtype
-                self.user_setup_slots(w_subtype.layout.nslots)
-            def user_setup_slots(self, nslots):
-                assert nslots == 0
-        add(Proto)
-    if "weakref" in features:
-        class Proto(object):
-            _lifeline_ = None
-            def getweakref(self):
-                return self._lifeline_
-            def setweakref(self, space, weakreflifeline):
-                self._lifeline_ = weakreflifeline
-            def delweakref(self):
-                self._lifeline_ = None
-        add(Proto)
-    if "del" in features:
-        parent_destructor = getattr(supercls, '__del__', None)
+        name += "Del"
+        parent_destructor = getattr(cls, '__del__', None)
         def call_parent_del(self):
             assert isinstance(self, subcls)
@@ -281,39 +157,15 @@
                 if parent_destructor is not None:
                     self.enqueue_for_destruction(, call_parent_del,
                                                  'internal destructor of ')
-        add(Proto)
+        mixins_needed.append(Proto)
-    if "slots" in features:
-        class Proto(object):
-            slots_w = []
-            def user_setup_slots(self, nslots):
-                if nslots > 0:
-                    self.slots_w = [None] * nslots
-            def setslotvalue(self, index, w_value):
-                self.slots_w[index] = w_value
-            def delslotvalue(self, index):
-                if self.slots_w[index] is None:
-                    return False
-                self.slots_w[index] = None
-                return True
-            def getslotvalue(self, index):
-                return self.slots_w[index]
-        add(Proto)
-    subcls = type(name, (supercls,), body)
-    _allusersubcls_cache[subcls] = True
+    class subcls(cls):
+        user_overridden_class = True
+        for base in mixins_needed:
+            objectmodel.import_from_mixin(base)
+    subcls.__name__ = name
     return subcls
-# a couple of helpers for the Proto classes above, factored out to reduce
-# the translated code size
-def check_new_dictionary(space, w_dict):
-    if not space.isinstance_w(w_dict, space.w_dict):
-        raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
-                space.wrap("setting dictionary to a non-dict"))
-    from pypy.objspace.std import dictmultiobject
-    assert isinstance(w_dict, dictmultiobject.W_DictMultiObject)
-    return w_dict
-check_new_dictionary._dont_inline_ = True
 # ____________________________________________________________
diff --git a/pypy/module/__builtin__/ 
--- a/pypy/module/__builtin__/
+++ b/pypy/module/__builtin__/
@@ -185,12 +185,11 @@
 class Cache:
     def __init__(self, space):
-        from pypy.interpreter.typedef import _usersubclswithfeature
-        # evil
-        self.cls_without_del = _usersubclswithfeature(
-                space.config, W_InstanceObject, "dict", "weakref")
-        self.cls_with_del = _usersubclswithfeature(
-                space.config, self.cls_without_del, "del")
+        from pypy.interpreter.typedef import _getusercls
+        self.cls_without_del = _getusercls(
+                space.config, W_InstanceObject, False, reallywantdict=True)
+        self.cls_with_del = _getusercls(
+                space.config, W_InstanceObject, True, reallywantdict=True)
 def class_descr_call(space, w_self, __args__):
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/ b/pypy/objspace/std/
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/
@@ -450,12 +450,19 @@
+# a little bit of a mess of mixin classes that implement various pieces of
+# objspace user object functionality in terms of mapdict
-class BaseMapdictObject:
-    _mixin_ = True
+class BaseUserClassMapdict:
+    # everything that's needed to use mapdict for a user subclass at all.
+    # This immediately makes slots possible.
-    def _init_empty(self, map):
-        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
+    # assumes presence of _init_empty, _mapdict_read_storage,
+    # _mapdict_write_storage, _mapdict_storage_length,
+    # _set_mapdict_storage_and_map
+    # _____________________________________________
+    # methods needed for mapdict
     def _become(self, new_obj):
@@ -464,49 +471,11 @@
         return jit.promote(
     def _set_mapdict_map(self, map): = map
     # _____________________________________________
     # objspace interface
-    def getdictvalue(self, space, attrname):
-        return self._get_mapdict_map().read(self, attrname, DICT)
-    def setdictvalue(self, space, attrname, w_value):
-        return self._get_mapdict_map().write(self, attrname, DICT, w_value)
-    def deldictvalue(self, space, attrname):
-        new_obj = self._get_mapdict_map().delete(self, attrname, DICT)
-        if new_obj is None:
-            return False
-        self._become(new_obj)
-        return True
-    def getdict(self, space):
-        w_dict = self._get_mapdict_map().read(self, "dict", SPECIAL)
-        if w_dict is not None:
-            assert isinstance(w_dict, W_DictMultiObject)
-            return w_dict
-        strategy = space.fromcache(MapDictStrategy)
-        storage = strategy.erase(self)
-        w_dict = W_DictObject(space, strategy, storage)
-        flag = self._get_mapdict_map().write(self, "dict", SPECIAL, w_dict)
-        assert flag
-        return w_dict
-    def setdict(self, space, w_dict):
-        from pypy.interpreter.typedef import check_new_dictionary
-        w_dict = check_new_dictionary(space, w_dict)
-        w_olddict = self.getdict(space)
-        assert isinstance(w_dict, W_DictMultiObject)
-        # The old dict has got 'self' as dstorage, but we are about to
-        # change self's ("dict", SPECIAL) attribute to point to the
-        # new dict.  If the old dict was using the MapDictStrategy, we
-        # have to force it now: otherwise it would remain an empty
-        # shell that continues to delegate to 'self'.
-        if type(w_olddict.get_strategy()) is MapDictStrategy:
-            w_olddict.get_strategy().switch_to_object_strategy(w_olddict)
-        flag = self._get_mapdict_map().write(self, "dict", SPECIAL, w_dict)
-        assert flag
+    # class access
     def getclass(self, space):
         return self._get_mapdict_map().terminator.w_cls
@@ -519,9 +488,13 @@
         from pypy.module.__builtin__.interp_classobj import W_InstanceObject = space
         assert (not self.typedef.hasdict or
+                isinstance(w_subtype.terminator, NoDictTerminator) or
                 self.typedef is W_InstanceObject.typedef)
+    # methods needed for slots
     def getslotvalue(self, slotindex):
         index = SLOTS_STARTING_FROM + slotindex
         return self._get_mapdict_map().read(self, "slot", index)
@@ -538,7 +511,9 @@
         return True
-    # used by _weakref implemenation
+class MapdictWeakrefSupport(object):
+    # stuff used by the _weakref implementation
     def getweakref(self):
         from pypy.module._weakref.interp__weakref import WeakrefLifeline
@@ -559,8 +534,69 @@
         self._get_mapdict_map().write(self, "weakref", SPECIAL, None)
     delweakref._cannot_really_call_random_things_ = True
-class ObjectMixin(object):
-    _mixin_ = True
+class MapdictDictSupport(object):
+    # objspace interface for dictionary operations
+    def getdictvalue(self, space, attrname):
+        return self._get_mapdict_map().read(self, attrname, DICT)
+    def setdictvalue(self, space, attrname, w_value):
+        return self._get_mapdict_map().write(self, attrname, DICT, w_value)
+    def deldictvalue(self, space, attrname):
+        new_obj = self._get_mapdict_map().delete(self, attrname, DICT)
+        if new_obj is None:
+            return False
+        self._become(new_obj)
+        return True
+    def getdict(self, space):
+        return _obj_getdict(self, space)
+    def setdict(self, space, w_dict):
+        _obj_setdict(self, space, w_dict)
+# a couple of helpers for the classes above, factored out to reduce
+# the translated code size
+def _obj_getdict(self, space):
+    assert isinstance(self._get_mapdict_map().terminator, DictTerminator)
+    w_dict = self._get_mapdict_map().read(self, "dict", SPECIAL)
+    if w_dict is not None:
+        assert isinstance(w_dict, W_DictMultiObject)
+        return w_dict
+    strategy = space.fromcache(MapDictStrategy)
+    storage = strategy.erase(self)
+    w_dict = W_DictObject(space, strategy, storage)
+    flag = self._get_mapdict_map().write(self, "dict", SPECIAL, w_dict)
+    assert flag
+    return w_dict
+def _obj_setdict(self, space, w_dict):
+    from pypy.objspace.std import dictmultiobject
+    assert isinstance(self._get_mapdict_map().terminator, DictTerminator)
+    if not space.isinstance_w(w_dict, space.w_dict):
+        raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
+                space.wrap("setting dictionary to a non-dict"))
+    assert isinstance(w_dict, dictmultiobject.W_DictMultiObject)
+    w_olddict = self.getdict(space)
+    assert isinstance(w_dict, W_DictMultiObject)
+    # The old dict has got 'self' as dstorage, but we are about to
+    # change self's ("dict", SPECIAL) attribute to point to the
+    # new dict.  If the old dict was using the MapDictStrategy, we
+    # have to force it now: otherwise it would remain an empty
+    # shell that continues to delegate to 'self'.
+    if type(w_olddict.get_strategy()) is MapDictStrategy:
+        w_olddict.get_strategy().switch_to_object_strategy(w_olddict)
+    flag = self._get_mapdict_map().write(self, "dict", SPECIAL, w_dict)
+    assert flag
+class MapdictStorageMixin(object):
     def _init_empty(self, map):
         from rpython.rlib.debug import make_sure_not_resized = map
@@ -579,50 +615,21 @@ = storage = map
-class Object(ObjectMixin, BaseMapdictObject, W_Root):
+class ObjectWithoutDict(MapdictStorageMixin, BaseUserClassMapdict, 
MapdictWeakrefSupport, W_Root):
     pass # mainly for tests
-def get_subclass_of_correct_size(space, cls, w_type):
-    map = w_type.terminator
-    classes = memo_get_subclass_of_correct_size(space, cls)
-        return classes[0]
-    size = map.size_estimate()
-    debug.check_nonneg(size)
-    if size < len(classes):
-        return classes[size]
-    else:
-        return classes[len(classes)-1]
-get_subclass_of_correct_size._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:arg(1)"
+class Object(MapdictStorageMixin, BaseUserClassMapdict, MapdictDictSupport, 
MapdictWeakrefSupport, W_Root):
+    pass # mainly for tests
-SUBCLASSES_MIN_FIELDS = 5 # XXX tweak these numbers
-def memo_get_subclass_of_correct_size(space, supercls):
-    key = space, supercls
-    try:
-        return _subclass_cache[key]
-    except KeyError:
-        assert not hasattr(supercls, "__del__")
-        result = []
-            result.append(_make_subclass_size_n(supercls, i))
-        for i in range(SUBCLASSES_MIN_FIELDS):
-            result.insert(0, result[0])
-            assert len(set(result)) == 1
-        _subclass_cache[key] = result
-        return result
-memo_get_subclass_of_correct_size._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:memo"
-_subclass_cache = {}
-def _make_subclass_size_n(supercls, n):
+def _make_storage_mixin_size_n(n=SUBCLASSES_NUM_FIELDS):
     from rpython.rlib import unroll
     rangen = unroll.unrolling_iterable(range(n))
     nmin1 = n - 1
     rangenmin1 = unroll.unrolling_iterable(range(nmin1))
     valnmin1 = "_value%s" % nmin1
-    class subcls(BaseMapdictObject, supercls):
+    class subcls(object):
         def _init_empty(self, map):
             for i in rangenmin1:
                 setattr(self, "_value%s" % i, None)
@@ -690,7 +697,7 @@
                 erased = erase_list(storage_list)
             setattr(self, "_value%s" % nmin1, erased)
-    subcls.__name__ = supercls.__name__ + "Size%s" % n
+    subcls.__name__ = "Size%s" % n
     return subcls
 # ____________________________________________________________
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/ b/pypy/objspace/std/
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/
@@ -356,14 +356,8 @@
             if cls.typedef.applevel_subclasses_base is not None:
                 cls = cls.typedef.applevel_subclasses_base
-            if cls is W_ObjectObject and not w_subtype.needsdel:
-                from pypy.objspace.std.mapdict import 
-                subcls = get_subclass_of_correct_size(self, cls, w_subtype)
-            else:
-                subcls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(
-                        self.config, cls, w_subtype.hasdict,
-                        w_subtype.layout.nslots != 0,
-                        w_subtype.needsdel, w_subtype.weakrefable)
+            subcls = get_unique_interplevel_subclass(
+                    self.config, cls, w_subtype.needsdel)
             instance = instantiate(subcls)
             assert isinstance(instance, cls)
             instance.user_setup(self, w_subtype)
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/test/ 
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/test/
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/test/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 class Class(object):
     def __init__(self, hasdict=True):
-        self.hasdict = True
+        self.hasdict = hasdict
         if hasdict:
             self.terminator = DictTerminator(space, self)
@@ -22,10 +22,17 @@
     def instantiate(self, sp=None):
         if sp is None:
             sp = space
-        result = Object()
+        if self.hasdict:
+            result = Object()
+        else:
+            result = ObjectWithoutDict()
         result.user_setup(sp, self)
         return result
+class ObjectWithoutDict(ObjectWithoutDict):
+    class typedef:
+        hasdict = False
 class Object(Object):
     class typedef:
         hasdict = False
@@ -429,6 +436,9 @@
     assert obj.getslotvalue(b) == 60
     assert == [50, 60]
     assert not obj.setdictvalue(space, "a", 70)
+    assert obj.getdict(space) is None
+    assert obj.getdictvalue(space, "a") is None
 def test_getdict():
     cls = Class()
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/ b/pypy/objspace/std/
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/
@@ -177,7 +177,13 @@
             # itself changes
             w_self._version_tag = VersionTag()
         from pypy.objspace.std.mapdict import DictTerminator, NoDictTerminator
-        if w_self.hasdict:
+        # if the typedef has a dict, then the rpython-class does all the dict
+        # management, which means from the point of view of mapdict there is no
+        # dict. However, W_InstanceObjects are an exception to this
+        from pypy.module.__builtin__.interp_classobj import W_InstanceObject
+        typedef = w_self.layout.typedef
+        if (w_self.hasdict and not typedef.hasdict or
+                typedef is W_InstanceObject.typedef):
             w_self.terminator = DictTerminator(space, w_self)
             w_self.terminator = NoDictTerminator(space, w_self)
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/ b/rpython/rlib/
--- a/rpython/rlib/
+++ b/rpython/rlib/
@@ -211,6 +211,12 @@
     func._always_inline_ = True
     return func
+def dont_inline(func):
+    """ mark the function as never-to-be-inlined by the RPython optimizations
+    (not the JIT!), no matter its size."""
+    func._dont_inline_ = True
+    return func
 # ____________________________________________________________
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