Hi pypy-dev (cc:ing hpy-dev),

I have just merged the hpy branch into py3.6. This means that from now,
pypy3.6 nightly builds will automatically support hpy, and it will be much
easier for interested users to try it out.

I propose the following workflow for continuing HPy development on PyPy:

1. the development will continue on the hpy branch, in "update_vendored"
steps: i.e., periodically we run the script to update to a newer hpy
version and implement all the new features. As soon as we do it, new tests
are introduced and they (hopefully :)) will start failing

2. note that it is not necessarily to ./update_vendored.sh to the LATEST
git version: this will probably introduce too many features and will make
it harder/longer to make all tests green again. So I suggest to gradually
./update_vendored.sh in smaller step (you can do it by doing "git checkout
REV" in your main hpy working copy before running update_vendored)

3. Once the tests are green again, we can merge hpy into py3.6.  The merge
can happen directly or with a gitlab MR if you want someone to review the
code. Personally, I volunteer to review all hpy-related MR, so feel free to
ping me if you want :)

4. goto 1

At the moment, all tests inside module/_hpy_universal pass, so we are in a
green state: I would like to try hard to keep them green, and merge changes
only after the tests pass: the hpy tests are run automatically on gitlab-ci
whenever you push to the hpy branch, so it should be doable.

A note about nightly builds: as soon as we catch up with hpy git
revision 0a46d31, it will be possible to run "import hpy;
hpy.get_version()". This will be very useful for nightly builds, because it
will tell you exactly which hpy.devel revision to check out in order to be
compatible with your nightly build.
As soon as the API stabilizes we will want to use official version numbers,
but I think that for now it's a reasonable approach.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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