This is a curious issue....I have two Macs, both of which I've upgradef from PyQt 4.5.1 to 4.5.4. Running my application on my MacMini was just fine this morning. Just now, I fired up the exact same code on the MacBook Pro for the first time after the PyQt update and the QtNetwork calls seem to have just died.
The behavior that I'm seeing is the QNetworkReply get request isn't firing at all. I'm connecting to localhost, and I can see that no request is being made. The spot this is occuring is here: mgr = QNetworkAccessManager(self.__parent) mgr.connect(mgr, SIGNAL('finished(QNetworkReply*)'), self.auth_request_finished) qurl = QUrl('http://localhost:8000/authenticate/') qurl.addQueryItem('username', user) qurl.addQueryItem('passwd', passwd) mgr.get(QNetworkRequest(qurl)) It gets through this code block just fine, but the GET request isn't being made. Any insights or hot spots I can dig in to? BZ
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