I've released a new version of Frog, a web log
aka blogging server written in 100% python.

Get version 1.4 from http://snakelets.sourceforge.net/frog/index.html

(note: storage file format has been changed since v1.3)

Some of the more interesting features are:

- multi user
- no database needed (uses files for storage)
- no web server needed (it runs in Snakelets,
   which has its own web server)
- splitted articles ("read more...")
- email notification when comment is added
- formatting similar to 'bbcode', supports images and other files
- anti-spam measures: puzzles, auto-updating link blacklist,
  anti-indexing hyperlinks in comments (rel="nofollow")
- outputs lean xhtml+css pages
- fully unicode compatible
- web-based file manager, available as separate module

Have fun :)


PS You can see Frog in action here: http://www.razorvine.net/snake/frog/user/irmen/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-announce-list

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