[ANN] argparse 0.6 - Command-line parsing library

2007-02-24 Thread Steven Bethard
Announcing argparse 0.6 --- argparse home: http://argparse.python-hosting.com/ argparse single module download: http://argparse.python-hosting.com/file/trunk/argparse.py?format=raw argparse bundled downloads at PyPI: http://www.python.org/pypi/argparse/ About this rele

ANN: The Python Behind PyCon (PyCon-Tech) - 4 ShowMeDo Videos

2007-02-24 Thread Ian Ozsvald
Summary: Doug Napoleone introduces the technology behind PyCon-Tech. These are the first 4 videos in a longer series, Doug shows the technology that is in use behind PyCon as the conference runs over this weekend. http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=pythonNapleonePyConTechSeries Episodes: PyC

ANN: MailSigger 0.3 Released

2007-02-24 Thread Karsten Schulz
Hi all, I just released MailSigger 0.3. MailSigger is a small Python program which is intended to be installed as a filter on a MTA in your network. Depending on the sender address of an email, a disclaimer file can be attached to the outgoing email. It handles plain text emails as well as MIME e