I am pleased to announce release 2009.3 of SfePy.

SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a software, distributed
under the BSD license, for solving systems of coupled partial
differential equations by the finite element method. The code is based
on NumPy and SciPy packages.

Mailing lists, issue tracking, git repository: http://sfepy.org
Home page: http://sfepy.kme.zcu.cz

Highlights of this release
Finally, SfePy has a basic support for Windows installation via numpy
- still very experimental!
- the tests will not finish if umfpack is not installed, as the
default direct solver in scipy cannot handle some problems (see recent
sfepy-devel mailing list discussions).

Major improvements
- new scripts:
  - cylindergen.py: cylindrical mesh generator
- updated scripts:
  - postproc.py:
    - quite usable now for fast first glance at the results
    - plots point, cell data of all kinds (scalar, vector, tensor)
    - Viewer is much more configurable
  - probe.py:
    - can probe selected quantities only
  - isfepy:
    - Viewer is much more configurable
- new tests and terms

- phononic materials:
   - plotting improved
   - caching of eigen-problem solution and Christoffel acoustic tensor
- schroedinger.py:
   - choose and call DFT solver via solver interface

People who contributed to this release: Vladimir Lukes.

For more information on this release, see

Best regards,
Robert Cimrman


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