We'll be having our regular Greater Toronto Area Python User's Group
(PyGTA) meeting this month and next.

    * Command-Line Apps (Code Dojo) -- Tues, March 16th, 7pm
          o Want to create utilities that do "one thing well" in the
            Unix philosophy?
          o We'll be exploring methods for how to accomplish this using
            collaborative on-screen coding.  All experience levels welcome.
    * Jabber/XMPP in Python -- Tues, April 20th, 7pm
          o XMPP is chat. It's the underlying protocol for open
            peer-to-peer communication systems, but what becomes
            possible when the peers are servers? How can you make your
            server a chatty teen?  Myles Braithwaite uses XMPP a lot. He
            ships documents and data-sets across it that look nothing
            like the chatter of teenagers. He'll explain how he does
            this, why he does this, and how you can do it too.

Regular time (Third Tuesday of the Month) and place (Linux Caffe).  More
details on the web site:



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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