upcoming Python training in Florida, April 27-29

2010-04-14 Thread Mark Lutz
Greetings Python fans, Don't miss your chance to attend our upcoming Florida Python training seminar later this month. This 3-day public class will be held on April 27-29, in Sarasota, Florida. It is open to both individuals and groups. For more details on the class, as well as registration

SciPy 2010 News: Specialized track deadline extended

2010-04-14 Thread Amenity Applewhite
Have you been meaning to prepare an abstract to submit for a SciPy 2010 specialized track (http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/papers.html#tracks )? Didn't find the time? Well you're in luck. This weekend, we had technical issues with the email submissions for the specialized tracks. In

Reminder: Python BarCamp Cologne this Saturday, April 17, 2010, registration still open!

2010-04-14 Thread Christopher Arndt
(The following announcement is about a regional unconference in Cologne, Germany, so the reminder of the message is in German language.) Hallo liebe Pythonfreunde, ich möchte nochmals darauf hinweisen, dass an diesem Samstag, dem 17.14.2010 das erste Python BarCamp in Köln, organisiert von