Programming Python 4th Edition released

2011-01-11 Thread lutz
The 4th Edition of the book Programming Python, a Python classic, is now available in both print and ebook forms. This applications tutorial book has been updated to use Python 3.X (only), and is designed to be a follow-up to the current edition of Learning Python. For more details, see this pag

ANN: oejskit 0.9.0 JavaScript in-browser testing, now with py.test 2.0 support

2011-01-11 Thread Samuele Pedroni
Hi, I'm happy to announce a new release of OE jskit 0.9.0, just pushed to PyPI. Main highlights: - *py.test 2.0 is now supported!* py.test 1.x still works as well - reusing one page (tab/window) for all tests using the same setup in  a session is now the default, this is enforced when using py.te