ANN: eGenix mxODBC Django Database Engine - Django ODBC Adapter 1.2.0

2013-06-18 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
ANNOUNCING mxODBC Django Database Engine MS SQL Server ORM and ODBC Adapter for the Django Web Framework Version 1.2.0 The m

[ANN] Shed Skin 0.9.4

2013-06-18 Thread Mark Dufour
Hi all, I have just released version 0.9.4 of Shed Skin, a (restricted-)Python-(2.x)-to-C++ compiler. This is the fourth maintenance release since 0.9, so no new major features were added. There have been many minor improvements though, and 3 new examples were added, bringing the total number of

devpi-0.9.1: pushing tested releases to pypi

2013-06-18 Thread holger krekel
Hi all, devpi-0.9.1 is out which fixes bugs and introduces support for pushing a tested release candidate from a private index to pypi. See on the ease of doing "devpi upload", "test" and "push" commands as well as general information on the devpi-server and devpi tools