Note: The training is open to all, not only EuroPython attendees.

Advanced Python Training

A EuroPython Satellite Event

If your attending EuroPython and would like get deeper into
advanced Python topics, you should consider this training:


Trainer: Dr. Mike Müller, Python Academy
Date: July 28 - 30, 2014
Location: Betahaus, Prinzessinnenstr. 19-20, 10969 Berlin, Germany,
Detailed description:
Price: 990 EUR (excl. VAT)/ 1178,10 EUR (incl. VAT)


Would you like to learn more about comprehensions, iterators and generators,
decorators, context managers, descriptors and metaclasses? You are also curious
about conventions for pythonic programs with good style and would like to get
an overview of using patterns with Python?
Then this three-day, intensive hands-on training is for you. You need to bring
a laptop with Python 2.x or 3.x installed and have solid knowledge of basic to
intermediate Python.

Learn from Mike Müller of Python Academy who has more than 10 years of Python
training experience and taught more than 180 Python courses totaling well over
400 training days. This training is an improved version of trainings Mike
delivered at EuroPython 2012 and 2013, PyCon PL 2012, PyCon DE 2013, PyCon IE
2013, PyCon Montrèal 2014 and in numerous in-house courses for companies and

The training takes place at Betahaus Berlin only 5 minutes by public
transportation form the venue of EuroPython 2014. It starts Monday July 28,
2014 right after EuroPython.

Best regards,
Mike Müller

Our next courses:

16.06.-20.06.2014 (Leipzig) High-Performance Computing with Python (English)
23.06.-25.06.2014 (Krakow) Advanced Python (Polish)
23.06.-25.06.2014 (Krakow) Introduction to Django (Polish)
29.06.-02.07.2014 (Leipzig) Python für Nichtprogrammierer (German)
30.06.-02.07.2014 (Leipzig) Python für Programmierer (German)
30.06.-02.07.2014 (Krakow) Advanced Django (Polish)
03.07.-05.07.2014 (Leipzig) Python für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure (German)
07.07.-09.07.2014 (Krakow) Introduction to Django (Polish)
14.07.-16.07.2014 (Warsaw) Advanced Python (Polish)
21.07.-24.07.2014 (Krakow) Python for Non-Programmers (Polish)
28.07.-30.07.2014 (Berlin) Advanced Python (English)
18.08.-20.08.2014 (Krakow) Python for Programmers (Polish)
25.08.-27.08.2014 (Warsaw) Advanced Python (Polish)
15.09.-17.09.2014 (Warsaw) Advanced Django (Polish)
16.09.-17.09.2014 (Warsaw) Introduction to Django (Polish)
19.09.2014        (Herentals) SQLAlchemy Course (English)
20.09.2014        (Herentals) Camelot Course (English)
21.09.-24.09.2014 (Leipzig) Python for Non-Programmers (English)
22.09.-24.09.2014 (Leipzig) Python for Programmers (English)
25.09.-27.09.2014 (Leipzig) Python for Scientists and Engineers (English)
29.09.2014        (Leipzig) SQLAlchemy Course (English)
30.09.2014        (Leipzig) Camelot Course (English)
09.10.-10.10.2014 (Dublin) Advanced Python (English)
13.10.-16.10.2014 (Warsaw) Python for Non-Programmers (Polish)
16.10.-17.10.2014 (Leipzig) Cython in Depth (English)
31.10.2014        (Herentals) SQLAlchemy Course (English)
03.11.-05.11.2014 (Herentals) Python for Programmers (English)
03.11.-05.11.2014 (Warsaw) Python for Programmers (Polish)
17.11.-19.11.2014 (Warsaw) Advanced Django (Polish)
24.11.-26.11.2014 (Freiburg) Professional Testing with Python (English)
24.11.-26.11.2014 (Krakow) Advanced Python (Polish)
08.12.-10.12.2014 (Krakow) Introduction to Django (Polish)

Berlin - Germany
Dublin - Ireland
Freiburg - Germany
Herentals - Belgium
Krakow - Poland
Leipzig - Germany
Warsaw - Poland

More information at

Follow us on Twitter: @pyacademy

Dr.-Ing. Mike Müller, M.Sc.
- Geschäftsführer (CEO) -

Python Academy GmbH & Co. KG
Zur Schule 20
04158 Leipzig

Sitz (Registered Office): Leipzig
Amtsgericht (Registration Court): Leipzig
HRA (Commercial Register No.): 16004

Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin
(Personally Liable Partner):
py solutions GmbH
Sitz (Registered Office): Leipzig
Amtsgericht (Registration Court): Leipzig
HRB (Commercial Register No.): 25781
Geschäftsführer (Managing Director): Dr. Mike Müller

Tel: +49 341 260 3370
     +49 341 525 599 58
Fax: +49 341 520 4495


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