EDDIE-Tool 0.36 has just been released.

What is it ?
The EDDIE-Tool is an intelligent cross-platform monitoring
agent written entirely in Python.  It provides system, network
and security monitoring features, with an extensive
configuration facility for defining customized monitoring
and data collection rules.

What is new ?
This version has been a long time coming, but has been well
tested over that time.  This version features many
enhancements and bugfixes, some of them listed below.
A special thanks to Zac Stevens and Mark Taylor for their

* Added support for Spread messaging as an alternative to Elvin.
* Implemented a DiskStatistics data collector for Linux.
* More command-line options and support for running as daemon.
* Added a "log" action.  Use it to append to a log file, log
   via syslog, or print on the eddie tty.
* Variables can be set in directives, which can then be used
   in rule evaluation.  For example, if the directive has
   "maxcpu=30", then the rule can address this as
   "rule='pcpu > _maxcpu'".
* HTTP checks support cookie persistence.
* Added "DBI" directive, for database query checking.
* Added Solaris SMF method/manifest files to contrib.
* Many more enhancements and bugfixes - see

Why is it interesting to Python users ?
Besides system and network administrators, Python users may
find EDDIE-Tool interesting as it is an example of a threaded,
multi-platform software package, providing easy access to
system statistics and using Python's power to offer a dynamic
and programmable rules engine.

Chris Miles


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