Hello everyone,

Posting here in case someone else finds this interesting. Wigiki is
still work in progress (version 0.6) but is currently usable. I use
Github's Gists a lot, mostly for note-taking and I wanted a painless
way to group some of these notes into a wiki-like site.

So, the main idea is that you write a json file with a list of gist
ids and some other info and then run wigiki to build a static html
site. The gists are not currently downloaded but they are embedded [1]
thus the generated site is not suitable for offline reading.

It ships with a very basic and minimal theme but I have also started
working on a bootstrap-based one. A theme is basically a bunch of
jinja2 templates following some conventions so that other people can
hack/contribute themes.

Wigiki source code [2] and documentation [3] are hosted on github. You
can download from there or from pypi [4].


[1]: https://github.com/blog/122-embedded-gists
[2]: https://github.com/tlatsas/wigiki
[3]: http://tlatsas.github.io/wigiki/
[4]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wigiki

Tasos Latsas
GPG Key : 0x414301DF

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