
I'm pleased to announce the release of circuits 3.0

This is a major release after more than a year of development. There may be
breaking changes compared to circuits 2.x so please be sure to review the
ChangeLog[1] and relevant documentation[2].

Some highlights:
- Greatly simplified API
- Much improved documentation and examples
- Far better test coverage

circuits was also presented for the firs titm eat PyConAU 2014 this year.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGrbp0LOH84
Slides: http://pycon.circuitsframework.com/

What is circuits?

circuits is an Application Framework that supports Event-Driven programming
and uses a Component Architecture to to help define separation of concerns.
circuits support Async I/O, is written in pure Python and has it's own Web

For more information see the PyPi page:



[1]: http://circuits.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changes.html
[2]: http://circuits.readthedocs.org

James Mills / prologic

E: prolo...@shortcircuit.net.au
W: prologic.shortcircuit.net.au

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