
I'm happy to announce the release of Pylint 1.4.2 and astroid 1.3.5.

The following changes were included in these releases:

For pylint:

    * Don't require a docstring for empty modules. Closes issue #261.

    * Fix a false positive with `too-few-format-args` string warning,
      emitted when the string format contained a normal positional
      argument ('{0}'), mixed with a positional argument which did
      an attribute access ('{0.__class__}').
      Closes issue #463.

    * Take in account all the methods from the ancestors
      when checking for too-few-public-methods. Closes issue #471.

    * Catch enchant errors and emit 'invalid-characters-in-docstring'
      when checking for spelling errors. Closes issue #469.

    * Use all the inferred statements for the super-init-not-called
      check. Closes issue #389.

    * Add a new warning, 'unichr-builtin', emitted by the Python 3
      porting checker, when the unichr builtin is found. Closes issue #472.

    * Add a new warning, 'intern-builtin', emitted by the Python 3
      porting checker, when the intern builtin is found. Closes issue #473.

    * Add support for editable installations.

    * The HTML output accepts the `--msg-template` option. Patch by
      Dan Goldsmith.

    * Add 'map-builtin-not-iterating' (replacing 'implicit-map-evaluation'),
      'zip-builtin-not-iterating', 'range-builtin-not-iterating', and
      'filter-builtin-not-iterating' which are emitted by `--py3k` when the
      appropriate built-in is not used in an iterating context (semantics
      taken from 2to3).

    * Add a new warning, 'unidiomatic-typecheck', emitted when an explicit
      typecheck uses type() instead of isinstance(). For example,
      `type(x) == Y` instead of `isinstance(x, Y)`. Patch by Chris Rebert.
      Closes issue #299.

    * Add support for combining the Python 3 checker mode with the --jobs
      flag (--py3k and --jobs). Closes issue #467.

    * Add a new warning for the Python 3 porting checker, 'using-cmp-argument',
      emitted when the `cmp` argument for the `list.sort` or `sorted builtin`
      is encountered.

    * Make the --py3k flag commutative with the -E flag. Also, this patch
      fixes the leaks of error messages from the Python 3 checker when
      the errors mode was activated. Closes issue #437.

For astroid:

    * Add the ability to optimize small ast subtrees,
      with the first use in the optimization of multiple
      BinOp nodes. This removes recursivity in the rebuilder
      when dealing with a lot of small strings joined by the
      addition operator. Closes issue #59.

    * Obtain the methods for the nose brain tip through an
      unittest.TestCase instance. Closes Pylint issue #457.

    * Fix a crash which occurred when a class was the ancestor
      of itself. Closes issue #78.

    * Improve the scope_lookup method for Classes regarding qualified
      objects, with an attribute name exactly as one provided in the
      class itself.

      For example, a class containing an attribute 'first',
      which was also an import and which had, as a base, a qualified name
      or a Gettattr node, in the form 'module.first', then Pylint would
      have inferred the `first` name as the function from the Class,
      not the import. Closes Pylint issue #466.

    * Implement the assigned_stmts operation for Starred nodes,
      which was omitted when support for Python 3 was added in astroid.
      Closes issue #36.

If you find any bugs, don't hesitate to open a new issue on our issue tracker.


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