We're pleased to announce the release of Python Tools for Visual Studio 2.0 
Beta (https://pytools.codeplex.com/releases/view/103101). Python Tools for 
Visual Studio (PTVS) is an open-source plug-in for Visual Studio which supports 
programming with the Python language. PTVS supports a broad range of features 
including CPython/IronPython, Edit/Intellisense/Debug/Profile, Cloud, HPC, 
IPython, and cross platform debugging support.

For a quick overview of the general IDE experience, please watch this video: 

There are a number of exciting improvement in this release compared to 1.5, all 
based on your feedback & suggestions. Here's a summary:

NOTE - this is a Beta release which is primarily meant for feedback purposes 
and has not been tested as much as the 1.5.x RTM releases! This release works 
with all three VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Beta limitations are noted in the 
corresponding docs for each feature. Please try these bits and let us know what 
you think!

* New - Mixed-mode debugging! Alpha introduced remote debugging on Linux and 
MacOS. Beta introduces mixed Python and C/C++ debugging. Please refer to the 
documentation or this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJaKQ94lBY

* New - "Python Environments": Please refer to the documentation or this video 
for an overview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1bk7t9YDkE
* "Interpreters" window: quickly see a global view of your installed 
interpreters and switch between them.
* Vastly improved Virtual Env support: easily and quickly create silo'd 
environments for installing packages in your project.
* Associate different Interpreters with your Project and quickly switch between 
* Various Intellisense improvements. Please refer to the documentation or this 
video for an overview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFxRSV9cucM

* Improvements to Django support for Azure Web Sites and Cloud Service - you 
can now publish a Django site to Azure with minimum number of clicks. Azure 
provides free hosting to kick the tires. Please refer to the documentation or 
this video for an overview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7A7VNnsA_8
* Various bug fixes to the Azure SDK for Windows, Linux and MacOS.

* New - Starting with VS2013, we're happy to announce that PTVS is "in the 
box". This means when you install Visual Studio, there is a an existing 
"Python" download link which will install PTVS for you.
* New - Survey/News feature. This experimental feature will periodically push 
News items such as "We just posted a new video on Python Debugging: <link>", or 
mini surveys such as "Do you think PTVS 2.0 RC is ready to ship? Yes No". You 
are in full control of this feature and can turn it off permanently. No user 
identifiable information is collected. Whenever we need any, we just ask the 
* Various bug fixes and improvements.

For a list of known issues for this release, please see each feature's docs.

We'd like to thank the following people who took the time to report the issues 
and feedback for this release: aperception, ardakkolcak, atilev, bbusacker, 
bde_fft, bveldkamp, Crazometer, cvolzke, delind, fwkz, golubdr, JandalDoe, 
jmfrank63, joxn, mcdevitts, miloslavbeno, mmclark, newfound, Nirmal4G, 
noam0101, pasmocko, salbright, shoejunk, soyiharu, tffung, VadimC.

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