Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce release 0.58 of Task Coach. New in this release:

Bugs fixed:

* On Mac OSX, Task Coach would seg fault upon exiting.
* Right-clicking a task in the task tree view would, correctly, pop up 
the context menu, but would not select the underlying task.
* The memory leak in the TreeListCtrl was fixed in wxPython The 
installer for Windows and the disk image for Mac OSX use wxPython, thus fixing the memory leak in Task Coach. If you use the 
source distribution of Task Coach you will have to install wxPython yourself to get the fix.
* Filtering on task categories was improved.
* Hitting Delete when editing the text in the find dialog would delete 
any selected tasks. Unfortunately, to fix this bug some accelerators had 
to be changed: the accelerator for "Delete task" is now Ctrl-Delete, for 
"New task" it is now Ctrl-Insert, and for "New subtask" it is now 
* Don't close the current file when user cancels opening another file.

Features added:

* Added toolbar button for 'new subtask'.
* Task Coach searches incrementally as you type a query in the find bar.
* When dragging a task in the tree view, hover over a tree button (a 
boxed plus-sign or a triangle, depending on your platform) to expand the 
sub tree.
* To promote a sub task to a top-level task in the tree view, drag it 
and drop it anywhere as long as it is not on another task.
* When filtering tasks by multiple categories, you may either choose to 
view tasks that belong to at least one of the selected categories, or 
view tasks that belong to all selected categories.

What is Task Coach?

Task Coach is a simple task manager that allows for hierarchical
tasks, i.e. tasks in tasks. Task Coach is open source (GPL) and is
developed using Python and wxPython. You can download Task Coach from:


A binary installer is available for Windows XP and a disk image is
available for Mac OSX, in addition to the source distribution.

Note that Task Coach is alpha software, meaning that it is wise to back
up your task file regularly, and especially when upgrading to a new release.

Cheers, Frank


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