SciPy 2010 Call for Papers

The second `SciPy India Conference <http://scipy.in>`_ will be held
from December 13th to 18th, 2010 at `IIIT-Hyderabad

At this conference, novel applications and breakthroughs made in the
pursuit of science using Python are presented.  Attended by leading
figures from both academia and industry, it is an excellent
opportunity to experience the cutting edge of scientific software

The conference is followed by two days of tutorials and a code sprint,
during which community experts provide training on several scientific
Python packages.

We invite you to take part by submitting a talk abstract on the
conference website at:


Talk/Paper Submission

We solicit talks and accompanying papers (either formal academic or
magazine-style articles) that discuss topics regarding scientific
computing using Python, including applications, teaching, development
and research.  Papers are included in the peer-reviewed conference
proceedings, published online.

Please note that submissions primarily aimed at the promotion of a
commercial product or service will not be considered.

Important Dates

Monday, Oct. 11: Abstracts Due
Saturday, Oct. 30: Schedule announced
Tuesday, Nov. 30: Proceedings paper submission due
Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 13-14: Conference
Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 15-17: Tutorials/Sprints
Saturday, Dec. 18: Sprints


* Jarrod Millman, Neuroscience Institute, UC Berkeley, USA (Conference Co-Chair)
* Prabhu Ramachandran, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT
Bombay, India (Conference Co-Chair)

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