Hello all,

On this day that marks my forty years of existence, I made myself a small gift,
a new version of pyo which, thanks to the correction of a major bug, is
undoubtedly the most stable version ever produced!

I'm glad to announce the release of pyo 0.8.4, available for python 2.7 and 3.5.

Pyo is a Python module written in C to help real-time digital signal processing
script creation. It is available for Windows, macOS and linux. It is released
under the LGPL 3 license.

For more info, downloads and other links, see the official web site:


The documentation:


For the latest sources and bug tracker:


What's new:

Bug fixes:

- Fixed GIL conflicts with portaudio, portmidi and jack library calls.
- Updated portaudio interface to make it much more secure.
- Fixed segfault in MidiListener callback function with python3.
- Fixed SfMarkerLooper and SfMarkerShuffler markers not accurate
  when soundfile sampling rate is not the same as the server's
  sampling rate.

New features:

- Midi input refactoring. Events are now spreaded over the buffer size
  according to the event's timestamp.
- MidiDispatcher can send sysex message with sendx() method.
- Added a "title" argument to Server.gui() method.
- Added a "setMode" method to Selector object to switch between
  equal power mode and linear fade.
- Added a "setKeepLast" method to TableRead object (will hold last value).
- Added "setIsJackTransportSlave" method to Server object (it allows to
  start/stop the Server from jack transport).
- Added "setJackInputPortNames" and "setJackOutputPortNames" methods to
  Server object. This allow the user to rename jack input/output ports.
- Added "id" and "object" attributes to wxgui's object events.

Olivier Belanger


P><A HREF="http://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software/pyo/";>Pyo 0.8.4</A>
Python DSP library. (24-Mar-17)

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