Congratulations. May there be many more :)


On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 9:57 AM Tyler Reddy <>

> Hash: SHA256
> Hi all,
> On behalf of the SciPy development team I'm pleased to announce
> the release of SciPy 1.2.0. This is an LTS release and the
> last to support Python 2.7.
> Sources and binary wheels can be found at:
> and at:
> One of a few ways to install this release with pip:
> pip install scipy==1.2.0
> ==========================
> SciPy 1.2.0 Release Notes
> ==========================
> SciPy 1.2.0 is the culmination of 6 months of hard work. It contains
> many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
> documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes
> in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
> upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
> optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
> their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
> run your code with ``python -Wd`` and check for ``DeprecationWarning`` s).
> Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
> 1.2.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch.
> This release requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+ and NumPy 1.8.2 or greater.
> Note: This will be the last SciPy release to support Python 2.7.
>           Consequently, the 1.2.x series will be a long term support (LTS)
>           release; we will backport bug fixes until 1 Jan 2020.
> For running on PyPy, PyPy3 6.0+ and NumPy 1.15.0 are required.
> Highlights of this release
> ---------------------------
> - 1-D root finding improvements with a new solver, ``toms748``, and a new
>   unified interface, ``root_scalar``
> - New ``dual_annealing`` optimization method that combines stochastic and
>   local deterministic searching
> - A new optimization algorithm, ``shgo`` (simplicial homology
>   global optimization) for derivative free optimization problems
> - A new category of quaternion-based transformations are available in
> `scipy.spatial.transform`
> New features
> ============
> `scipy.ndimage` improvements
> ---------------------------------
> Proper spline coefficient calculations have been added for the ``mirror``,
> ``wrap``, and ``reflect`` modes of `scipy.ndimage.rotate`
> `scipy.fftpack` improvements
> ---------------------------------
> DCT-IV, DST-IV, DCT-I, and DST-I orthonormalization are now supported in
> `scipy.fftpack`.
> `scipy.interpolate` improvements
> ---------------------------------
> `scipy.interpolate.pade` now accepts a new argument for the order of the
> numerator
> `scipy.cluster` improvements
> -----------------------------
> `scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2` gained a new initialization method, kmeans++.
> `scipy.special` improvements
> -----------------------------
> The function ``softmax`` was added to `scipy.special`.
> `scipy.optimize` improvements
> ------------------------------
> The one-dimensional nonlinear solvers have been given a unified interface
> `scipy.optimize.root_scalar`, similar to the `scipy.optimize.root`
> interface
> for multi-dimensional solvers. ``scipy.optimize.root_scalar(f, bracket=[a
> ,b],
> method="brenth")`` is equivalent to ``scipy.optimize.brenth(f, a ,b)``.
> If no
> ``method`` is specified, an appropriate one will be selected based upon the
> bracket and the number of derivatives available.
> The so-called Algorithm 748 of Alefeld, Potra and Shi for root-finding
> within
> an enclosing interval has been added as `scipy.optimize.toms748`. This
> provides
> guaranteed convergence to a root with convergence rate per function
> evaluation
> of approximately 1.65 (for sufficiently well-behaved functions.)
> ``differential_evolution`` now has the ``updating`` and ``workers``
> keywords.
> The first chooses between continuous updating of the best solution vector
> (the
> default), or once per generation. Continuous updating can lead to faster
> convergence. The ``workers`` keyword accepts an ``int`` or map-like
> callable,
> and parallelises the solver (having the side effect of updating once per
> generation). Supplying an ``int`` evaluates the trial solutions in N
> parallel
> parts. Supplying a map-like callable allows other parallelisation
> approaches
> (such as ``mpi4py``, or ``joblib``) to be used.
> ``dual_annealing`` (and ``shgo`` below) is a powerful new general purpose
> global optizimation (GO) algorithm. ``dual_annealing`` uses two annealing
> processes to accelerate the convergence towards the global minimum of an
> objective mathematical function. The first annealing process controls the
> stochastic Markov chain searching and the second annealing process
> controls the
> deterministic minimization. So, dual annealing is a hybrid method that
> takes
> advantage of stochastic and local deterministic searching in an efficient
> way.
> ``shgo`` (simplicial homology global optimization) is a similar algorithm
> appropriate for solving black box and derivative free optimization (DFO)
> problems. The algorithm generally converges to the global solution in
> finite
> time. The convergence holds for non-linear inequality and
> equality constraints. In addition to returning a global minimum, the
> algorithm also returns any other global and local minima found after every
> iteration. This makes it useful for exploring the solutions in a domain.
> `scipy.optimize.newton` can now accept a scalar or an array
> ``MINPACK`` usage is now thread-safe, such that ``MINPACK`` + callbacks may
> be used on multiple threads.
> `scipy.signal` improvements
> ----------------------------
> Digital filter design functions now include a parameter to specify the
> sampling
> rate. Previously, digital filters could only be specified using normalized
> frequency, but different functions used different scales (e.g. 0 to 1 for
> ``butter`` vs 0 to π for ``freqz``), leading to errors and confusion.  With
> the ``fs`` parameter, ordinary frequencies can now be entered directly into
> functions, with the normalization handled internally.
> ``find_peaks`` and related functions no longer raise an exception if the
> properties of a peak have unexpected values (e.g. a prominence of 0). A
> ``PeakPropertyWarning`` is given instead.
> The new keyword argument ``plateau_size`` was added to ``find_peaks``.
> ``plateau_size`` may be used to select peaks based on the length of the
> flat top of a peak.
> ``welch()`` and ``csd()`` methods in `scipy.signal` now support calculation
> of a median average PSD, using ``average='mean'`` keyword
> `scipy.sparse` improvements
> ----------------------------
> The `scipy.sparse.bsr_matrix.tocsr` method is now implemented directly
> instead
> of converting via COO format, and the `scipy.sparse.bsr_matrix.tocsc`
> method
> is now also routed via CSR conversion instead of COO. The efficiency of
> both
> conversions is now improved.
> The issue where SuperLU or UMFPACK solvers crashed on matrices with
> non-canonical format in `scipy.sparse.linalg` was fixed. The solver wrapper
> canonicalizes the matrix if necessary before calling the SuperLU or UMFPACK
> solver.
> The ``largest`` option of `scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg()` was fixed to have
> a correct (and expected) behavior. The order of the eigenvalues was made
> consistent with the ARPACK solver (``eigs()``), i.e. ascending for the
> smallest eigenvalues, and descending for the largest eigenvalues.
> The `scipy.sparse.random` function is now faster and also supports integer
> and
> complex values by passing the appropriate value to the ``dtype`` argument.
> `scipy.spatial` improvements
> -----------------------------
> The function `scipy.spatial.distance.jaccard` was modified to return 0
> instead
> of ``np.nan`` when two all-zero vectors are compared.
> Support for the Jensen Shannon distance, the square-root of the
> divergence, has
> been added under `scipy.spatial.distance.jensenshannon`
> An optional keyword was added to the function
> `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point()` to sort or not sort the returned
> indices. Not sorting the indices can speed up calls.
> A new category of quaternion-based transformations are available in
> `scipy.spatial.transform`, including spherical linear interpolation of
> rotations (``Slerp``), conversions to and from quaternions, Euler angles,
> and general rotation and inversion capabilities
> (`spatial.transform.Rotation`), and uniform random sampling of 3D
> rotations (`spatial.transform.Rotation.random`).
> `scipy.stats` improvements
> ---------------------------
> The Yeo-Johnson power transformation is now supported (``yeojohnson``,
> ``yeojohnson_llf``, ``yeojohnson_normmax``, ``yeojohnson_normplot``).
> Unlike
> the Box-Cox transformation, the Yeo-Johnson transformation can accept
> negative
> values.
> Added a general method to sample random variates based on the density
> only, in
> the new function ``rvs_ratio_uniforms``.
> The Yule-Simon distribution (``yulesimon``) was added -- this is a new
> discrete probability distribution.
> ``stats`` and ``mstats`` now have access to a new regression method,
> ``siegelslopes``, a robust linear regression algorithm
> `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` now has the ability to deal with weighted
> samples,
> and should have a modest improvement in performance
> Levy Stable Parameter Estimation, PDF, and CDF calculations are now
> supported
> for `scipy.stats.levy_stable`.
> The Brunner-Munzel test is now available as ``brunnermunzel`` in ``stats``
> and ``mstats``
> `scipy.linalg` improvements
> ---------------------------
> `scipy.linalg.lapack` now exposes the LAPACK routines using the Rectangular
> Full Packed storage (RFP) for upper triangular, lower triangular,
> symmetric,
> or Hermitian matrices; the upper trapezoidal fat matrix RZ decomposition
> routines are now available as well.
> Deprecated features
> ===================
> The functions ``hyp2f0``, ``hyp1f2`` and ``hyp3f0`` in ``scipy.special``
> have
> been deprecated.
> Backwards incompatible changes
> ==============================
> LAPACK version 3.4.0 or later is now required. Building with
> Apple Accelerate is no longer supported.
> The function ``scipy.linalg.subspace_angles(A, B)`` now gives correct
> results for all angles. Before this, the function only returned
> correct values for those angles which were greater than pi/4.
> Support for the Bento build system has been removed. Bento has not been
> maintained for several years, and did not have good Python 3 or wheel
> support,
> hence it was time to remove it.
> The required signature of `scipy.optimize.lingprog` ``method=simplex``
> callback function has changed. Before iteration begins, the simplex solver
> first converts the problem into a standard form that does not, in general,
> have the same variables or constraints
> as the problem defined by the user. Previously, the simplex solver would
> pass a
> user-specified callback function several separate arguments, such as the
> current solution vector ``xk``, corresponding to this standard form
> problem.
> Unfortunately, the relationship between the standard form problem and the
> user-defined problem was not documented, limiting the utility of the
> information passed to the callback function.
> In addition to numerous bug fix changes, the simplex solver now passes a
> user-specified callback function a single ``OptimizeResult`` object
> containing
> information that corresponds directly to the user-defined problem. In
> future
> releases, this ``OptimizeResult`` object may be expanded to include
> additional
> information, such as variables corresponding to the standard-form problem
> and
> information concerning the relationship between the standard-form and
> user-defined problems.
> The implementation of `scipy.sparse.random` has changed, and this affects
> the
> numerical values returned for both ``sparse.random`` and ``sparse.rand``
> for
> some matrix shapes and a given seed.
> `scipy.optimize.newton` will no longer use Halley's method in cases where
> it
> negatively impacts convergence
> Other changes
> =============
> Authors
> =======
> * @endolith
> * @luzpaz
> * Hameer Abbasi +
> * akahard2dj +
> * Anton Akhmerov
> * Joseph Albert
> * alexthomas93 +
> * ashish +
> * atpage +
> * Blair Azzopardi +
> * Yoshiki Vázquez Baeza
> * Bence Bagi +
> * Christoph Baumgarten
> * Lucas Bellomo +
> * BH4 +
> * Aditya Bharti
> * Max Bolingbroke
> * François Boulogne
> * Ward Bradt +
> * Matthew Brett
> * Evgeni Burovski
> * Rafał Byczek +
> * Alfredo Canziani +
> * CJ Carey
> * Lucía Cheung +
> * Poom Chiarawongse +
> * Jeanne Choo +
> * Robert Cimrman
> * Graham Clenaghan +
> * cynthia-rempel +
> * Johannes Damp +
> * Jaime Fernandez del Rio
> * Dowon +
> * emmi474 +
> * Stefan Endres +
> * Thomas Etherington +
> * Piotr Figiel
> * Alex Fikl +
> * fo40225 +
> * Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz
> * Lars G
> * Abhinav Gautam +
> * Stiaan Gerber +
> * C.A.M. Gerlach +
> * Ralf Gommers
> * Todd Goodall
> * Lars Grueter +
> * Sylvain Gubian +
> * Matt Haberland
> * David Hagen
> * Will Handley +
> * Charles Harris
> * Ian Henriksen
> * Thomas Hisch +
> * Theodore Hu
> * Michael Hudson-Doyle +
> * Nicolas Hug +
> * jakirkham +
> * Jakob Jakobson +
> * James +
> * Jan Schlüter
> * jeanpauphilet +
> * josephmernst +
> * Kai +
> * Kai-Striega +
> * kalash04 +
> * Toshiki Kataoka +
> * Konrad0 +
> * Tom Krauss +
> * Johannes Kulick
> * Lars Grüter +
> * Eric Larson
> * Denis Laxalde
> * Will Lee +
> * Katrin Leinweber +
> * Yin Li +
> * P. L. Lim +
> * Jesse Livezey +
> * Duncan Macleod +
> * MatthewFlamm +
> * Nikolay Mayorov
> * Mike McClurg +
> * Christian Meyer +
> * Mark Mikofski
> * Naoto Mizuno +
> * mohmmadd +
> * Nathan Musoke
> * Anju Geetha Nair +
> * Andrew Nelson
> * Ayappan P +
> * Nick Papior
> * Haesun Park +
> * Ronny Pfannschmidt +
> * pijyoi +
> * Ilhan Polat
> * Anthony Polloreno +
> * Ted Pudlik
> * puenka
> * Eric Quintero
> * Pradeep Reddy Raamana +
> * Vyas Ramasubramani +
> * Ramon Viñas +
> * Tyler Reddy
> * Joscha Reimer
> * Antonio H Ribeiro
> * richardjgowers +
> * Rob +
> * robbystk +
> * Lucas Roberts +
> * rohan +
> * Joaquin Derrac Rus +
> * Josua Sassen +
> * Bruce Sharpe +
> * Max Shinn +
> * Scott Sievert
> * Sourav Singh
> * Strahinja Lukić +
> * Kai Striega +
> * Shinya SUZUKI +
> * Mike Toews +
> * Piotr Uchwat
> * Miguel de Val-Borro +
> * Nicky van Foreest
> * Paul van Mulbregt
> * Gael Varoquaux
> * Pauli Virtanen
> * Stefan van der Walt
> * Warren Weckesser
> * Joshua Wharton +
> * Bernhard M. Wiedemann +
> * Eric Wieser
> * Josh Wilson
> * Tony Xiang +
> * Roman Yurchak +
> * Roy Zywina +
> A total of 137 people contributed to this release.
> People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
> This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully
> complete.
> Issues closed for 1.2.0
> ------------------------
> * `#9520 <>`__:
> signal.correlate with method='fft' doesn't benefit from long...
> * `#9547 <>`__: signature of
> dual_annealing doesn't match other optimizers
> * `#9540 <>`__: SciPy v1.2.0rc1
> cannot be imported on Python 2.7.15
> * `#1240 <>`__: Allowing
> multithreaded use of minpack through scipy.optimize...
> * `#1432 <>`__:
> scipy.stats.mode extremely slow (Trac #905)
> * `#3372 <>`__: Please add
> Sphinx search field to online scipy html docs
> * `#3678 <>`__:
> _clough_tocher_2d_single direction between centroids
> * `#4174 <>`__: lobpcg
> "largest" option invalid?
> * `#5493 <>`__: anderson_ksamp
> p-values>1
> * `#5743 <>`__: slsqp fails to
> detect infeasible problem
> * `#6139 <>`__:
> scipy.optimize.linprog failed to find a feasible starting point...
> * `#6358 <>`__: stats:
> docstring for `vonmises_line` points to `vonmises_line`...
> * `#6498 <>`__: is
> missing in pypi distfile
> * `#7426 <>`__:
> scipy.stats.ksone(n).pdf(x) returns nan for positive values of...
> * `#7455 <>`__:
> scipy.stats.ksone.pdf(2,x) return incorrect values for x near...
> * `#7456 <>`__:
> scipy.special.smirnov and scipy.special.smirnovi have accuracy...
> * `#7492 <>`__:
> scipy.special.kolmogorov(x)/kolmogi(p) inefficient, inaccurate...
> * `#7914 <>`__: TravisCI not
> failing when it should for -OO run
> * `#8064 <>`__: linalg.solve
> test crashes on Windows
> * `#8212 <>`__: LAPACK
> Rectangular Full Packed routines
> * `#8256 <>`__:
> differential_evolution bug converges to wrong results in complex...
> * `#8443 <>`__: Deprecate
> `hyp2f0`, `hyp1f2`, and `hyp3f0`?
> * `#8452 <>`__: DOC: ARPACK
> tutorial has two conflicting equations
> * `#8680 <>`__: scipy fails
> compilation when building from source
> * `#8686 <>`__: Division by
> zero in when x0 is exactly equal...
> * `#8700 <>`__: _MINPACK_LOCK
> not held when calling into minpack from least_squares
> * `#8786 <>`__: erroneous
> moment values for t-distribution
> * `#8791 <>`__: Checking COLA
> condition in istft should be optional (or omitted)
> * `#8843 <>`__: imresize cannot
> be deprecated just yet
> * `#8844 <>`__: Inverse Wishart
> Log PDF Incorrect for Non-diagonal Scale Matrix?
> * `#8878 <>`__: vonmises and
> vonmises_line in stats: vonmises wrong and superfluous?
> * `#8895 <>`__: v1.1.0
> `ndi.rotate` documentation – reused parameters not filled...
> * `#8900 <>`__: Missing complex
> conjugation in scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator
> * `#8904 <>`__: BUG: if zero
> derivative at root, then Newton fails with RuntimeWarning
> * `#8911 <>`__:
> make_interp_spline bc_type incorrect input interpretation
> * `#8942 <>`__: MAINT: Refactor
> `` and `` to remove...
> * `#8947 <>`__: np.int64 in
> scipy.fftpack.next_fast_len
> * `#9020 <>`__: BUG:
> linalg.subspace_angles gives wrong results
> * `#9033 <>`__:
> scipy.stats.normaltest sometimes gives incorrect returns b/c...
> * `#9036 <>`__: Bizarre times
> for `scipy.sparse.rand` function with 'low' density...
> * `#9044 <>`__:
> optimize.minimize(method=`trust-constr`) result dict does not...
> * `#9071 <>`__: doc/linalg: add
> cho_solve_banded to see also of cholesky_banded
> * `#9082 <>`__: eigenvalue
> sorting in scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh
> * `#9086 <>`__:
> FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence...
> * `#9091 <>`__:
> test_spline_filter failure on 32-bit
> * `#9122 <>`__: Typo on scipy
> minimization tutorial
> * `#9135 <>`__: doc error at
> * `#9167 <>`__: DOC: BUG: typo
> in ndimage LowLevelCallable tutorial example
> * `#9169 <>`__: truncnorm does
> not work if b < a in scipy.stats
> * `#9250 <>`__:
> scipy.special.tests.test_mpmath::TestSystematic::test_pcfw fails...
> * `#9259 <>`__: rv.expect() ==
> rv.mean() is false for rv.mean() == nan (and inf)
> * `#9286 <>`__: DOC: Rosenbrock
> expression in optimize.minimize tutorial
> * `#9316 <>`__: SLSQP fails in
> nested optimization
> * `#9337 <>`__:
> scipy.signal.find_peaks key typo in documentation
> * `#9345 <>`__: Example from
> documentation of scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs raises...
> * `#9383 <>`__: Default value
> for "mode" in "ndimage.shift"
> * `#9419 <>`__: dual_annealing
> off by one in the number of iterations
> * `#9442 <>`__: Error in
> Defintion of Rosenbrock Function
> * `#9453 <>`__: TST:
> test_eigs_consistency() doesn't have consistent results
> Pull requests for 1.2.0
> ------------------------
> * `#9526 <>`__: TST: relax
> precision requirements in signal.correlate tests
> * `#9507 <>`__: CI: MAINT: Skip a
> ckdtree test on pypy
> * `#9512 <>`__: TST:
> test_random_sampling 32-bit handling
> * `#9494 <>`__: TST:
> test_kolmogorov xfail 32-bit
> * `#9486 <>`__: BUG: fix sparse
> random int handling
> * `#9550 <>`__: BUG:
> scipy/_lib/_numpy_compat: get_randint
> * `#9549 <>`__: MAINT: make
> dual_annealing signature match other optimizers
> * `#9541 <>`__: BUG: fix
> SyntaxError due to non-ascii character on Python 2.7
> * `#7352 <>`__: ENH: add Brunner
> Munzel test to scipy.stats.
> * `#7373 <>`__: BUG: Jaccard
> distance for all-zero arrays would return np.nan
> * `#7374 <>`__: ENH: Add PDF, CDF
> and parameter estimation for Stable Distributions
> * `#8098 <>`__: ENH: Add shgo for
> global optimization of NLPs.
> * `#8203 <>`__: ENH: adding
> simulated dual annealing to optimize
> * `#8259 <>`__: Option to follow
> original Storn and Price algorithm and its parallelisation
> * `#8293 <>`__: ENH add
> ratio-of-uniforms method for rv generation to scipy.stats
> * `#8294 <>`__: BUG: Fix slowness
> in stats.mode
> * `#8295 <>`__: ENH: add Jensen
> Shannon distance to `scipy.spatial.distance`
> * `#8357 <>`__: ENH: vectorize
> scalar zero-search-functions
> * `#8397 <>`__: Add `fs=`
> parameter to filter design functions
> * `#8537 <>`__: ENH: Implement
> mode parameter for spline filtering.
> * `#8558 <>`__: ENH: small
> speedup for stats.gaussian_kde
> * `#8560 <>`__: BUG: fix p-value
> calc of anderson_ksamp in scipy.stats
> * `#8614 <>`__: ENH: correct
> p-values for stats.kendalltau and stats.mstats.kendalltau
> * `#8670 <>`__: ENH: Require
> Lapack 3.4.0
> * `#8683 <>`__: Correcting kmeans
> documentation
> * `#8725 <>`__: MAINT: Cleanup
> scipy.optimize.leastsq
> * `#8726 <>`__: BUG: Fix
> _get_output in scipy.ndimage to support string
> * `#8733 <>`__: MAINT: stats: A
> bit of clean up.
> * `#8737 <>`__: BUG: Improve
> numerical precision/convergence failures of smirnov/kolmogorov
> * `#8738 <>`__: MAINT: stats: A
> bit of clean up in
> * `#8740 <>`__: BF/ENH: make
> minpack thread safe
> * `#8742 <>`__: BUG: Fix division
> by zero in trust-region optimization methods
> * `#8746 <>`__: MAINT: signal:
> Fix a docstring of a private function, and fix...
> * `#8750 <>`__: DOC clarified
> description of norminvgauss in scipy.stats
> * `#8753 <>`__: DOC: signal: Fix
> a plot title in the chirp docstring.
> * `#8755 <>`__: DOC: MAINT: Fix
> link to the wheel documentation in developer...
> * `#8760 <>`__: BUG: stats:
> boltzmann wasn't setting the upper bound.
> * `#8763 <>`__: [DOC] Improved
> scipy.cluster.hierarchy documentation
> * `#8765 <>`__: DOC: added
> example for scipy.stat.mstats.tmin
> * `#8788 <>`__: DOC: fix
> definition of optional `disp` parameter
> * `#8802 <>`__: MAINT: Suppress
> dd_real unused function compiler warnings.
> * `#8803 <>`__: ENH: Add
> full_output support to optimize.newton()
> * `#8804 <>`__: MAINT: stats
> cleanup
> * `#8808 <>`__: DOC: add note
> about isinstance for frozen rvs
> * `#8812 <>`__: Updated numpydoc
> submodule
> * `#8813 <>`__: MAINT: stats: Fix
> multinomial docstrings, and do some clean up.
> * `#8816 <>`__: BUG: fixed _stats
> of t-distribution in scipy.stats
> * `#8817 <>`__: BUG: ndimage: Fix
> validation of the origin argument in correlate...
> * `#8822 <>`__: BUG: integrate:
> Fix crash with repeated t values in odeint.
> * `#8832 <>`__: Hyperlink DOIs
> against preferred resolver
> * `#8837 <>`__: BUG: sparse:
> Ensure correct dtype for sparse comparison operations.
> * `#8839 <>`__: DOC: stats: A few
> tweaks to the linregress docstring.
> * `#8846 <>`__: BUG: stats: Fix
> logpdf method of invwishart.
> * `#8849 <>`__: DOC: signal:
> Fixed mistake in the firwin docstring.
> * `#8854 <>`__: DOC: fix type
> descriptors in ltisys documentation
> * `#8865 <>`__: Fix tiny typo in
> docs for chi2 pdf
> * `#8870 <>`__: Fixes related to
> invertibility of STFT
> * `#8872 <>`__: ENH: special: Add
> the softmax function
> * `#8874 <>`__: DOC correct gamma
> function in docstrings in scipy.stats
> * `#8876 <>`__: ENH: Added TOMS
> Algorithm 748 as 1-d root finder; 17 test function...
> * `#8882 <>`__: ENH: Only use
> Halley's adjustment to Newton if close enough.
> * `#8883 <>`__: FIX: optimize:
> make jac and hess truly optional for 'trust-constr'
> * `#8885 <>`__: TST: Do not error
> on warnings raised about non-tuple indexing.
> * `#8887 <>`__: MAINT: filter out
> np.matrix PendingDeprecationWarning's in numpy...
> * `#8889 <>`__: DOC: optimize:
> separate legacy interfaces from new ones
> * `#8890 <>`__: ENH: Add
> optimize.root_scalar() as a universal dispatcher for...
> * `#8899 <>`__: DCT-IV, DST-IV
> and DCT-I, DST-I orthonormalization support in...
> * `#8901 <>`__: MAINT: Reorganize
> flapack.pyf.src file
> * `#8907 <>`__: BUG: ENH: Check
> if guess for newton is already zero before checking...
> * `#8908 <>`__: ENH: Make sorting
> optional for cKDTree.query_ball_point()
> * `#8910 <>`__: DOC:
> sparse.csgraph simple examples.
> * `#8914 <>`__: DOC: interpolate:
> fix equivalences of string aliases
> * `#8918 <>`__: add
> float_control(precise, on) to _fpumode.c
> * `#8919 <>`__: MAINT:
> interpolate: improve error messages for common `bc_type`...
> * `#8920 <>`__: DOC: update
> Contributing to SciPy to say "prefer no PEP8 only...
> * `#8924 <>`__: MAINT: special:
> deprecate `hyp2f0`, `hyp1f2`, and `hyp3f0`
> * `#8927 <>`__: MAINT: special:
> remove `errprint`
> * `#8932 <>`__: Fix broadcasting
> scale arg of entropy
> * `#8936 <>`__: Fix (some)
> non-tuple index warnings
> * `#8937 <>`__: ENH: implement
> sparse matrix BSR to CSR conversion directly.
> * `#8938 <>`__: DOC: add
> @_ni_docstrings.docfiller in ndimage.rotate
> * `#8940 <>`__: Update
> * `#8943 <>`__: DOC: Finish
> dangling sentence in `convolve` docstring
> * `#8944 <>`__: MAINT: Address
> tuple indexing and warnings
> * `#8945 <>`__: ENH:
> spatial.transform.Rotation [GSOC2018]
> * `#8950 <>`__: csgraph Dijkstra
> function description rewording
> * `#8953 <>`__: DOC, MAINT: HTTP
> -> HTTPS, and other linkrot fixes
> * `#8955 <>`__: BUG: np.int64 in
> scipy.fftpack.next_fast_len
> * `#8958 <>`__: MAINT: Add more
> descriptive error message for phase one simplex.
> * `#8962 <>`__: BUG:
> sparse.linalg: add missing conjugate to _ScaledLinearOperator.adjoint
> * `#8963 <>`__: BUG:
> sparse.linalg: downgrade LinearOperator TypeError to warning
> * `#8965 <>`__: ENH: Wrapped RFP
> format and RZ decomposition routines
> * `#8969 <>`__: MAINT: doc and
> code fixes for optimize.newton
> * `#8970 <>`__: Added 'average'
> keyword for welch/csd to enable median averaging
> * `#8971 <>`__: Better imresize
> deprecation warning
> * `#8972 <>`__: MAINT: Switch
> np.where(c) for np.nonzero(c)
> * `#8975 <>`__: MAINT: Fix
> warning-based failures
> * `#8979 <>`__: DOC: fix
> description of count_sort keyword of dendrogram
> * `#8982 <>`__: MAINT: optimize:
> Fixed minor mistakes in (#8978)
> * `#8984 <>`__: BUG:
> sparse.linalg: ensure expm casts integer inputs to float
> * `#8986 <>`__: BUG:
> optimize/slsqp: do not exit with convergence on steps where...
> * `#8989 <>`__: MAINT: use
> in basinhopping
> * `#8990 <>`__: ENH extend
> p-values of anderson_ksamp in scipy.stats
> * `#8991 <>`__: ENH: Weighted kde
> * `#8993 <>`__: ENH:
> spatial.transform.Rotation.random [GSOC 2018]
> * `#8994 <>`__: ENH:
> spatial.transform.Slerp [GSOC 2018]
> * `#8995 <>`__: TST: time.time in
> test
> * `#9007 <>`__: Fix typo in
> fftpack.rst
> * `#9013 <>`__: Added correct
> plotting code for two sided output from spectrogram
> * `#9014 <>`__: BUG:
> differential_evolution with inf objective functions
> * `#9017 <>`__: BUG: fixed #8446
> corner case for asformat(array|dense)
> * `#9018 <>`__: MAINT:
> _lib/ccallback: remove unused code
> * `#9021 <>`__: BUG: Issue with
> subspace_angles
> * `#9022 <>`__: DOC: Added "See
> Also" section to lombscargle docstring
> * `#9034 <>`__: BUG: Fix
> tolerance printing behavior, remove meaningless tol...
> * `#9035 <>`__: TST: improve
> signal.bsplines test coverage
> * `#9037 <>`__: ENH: add a new
> init method for k-means
> * `#9039 <>`__: DOC: Add examples
> to fftpack.irfft docstrings
> * `#9048 <>`__: ENH:
> scipy.sparse.random
> * `#9050 <>`__: BUG:
> fails for matrices not in csc format
> * `#9051 <>`__: MAINT: Fix slow
> sparse.rand for k < mn/3 (#9036).
> * `#9054 <>`__: MAINT: spatial:
> Explicitly initialize LAPACK output parameters.
> * `#9055 <>`__: DOC: Add examples
> to scipy.special docstrings
> * `#9056 <>`__: ENH: Use one
> thread in OpenBLAS
> * `#9059 <>`__: DOC: Update
> README with link to Code of Conduct
> * `#9060 <>`__: BLD: remove
> support for the Bento build system.
> * `#9062 <>`__: DOC add sections
> to overview in scipy.stats
> * `#9066 <>`__: BUG: Correct
> "remez" error message
> * `#9069 <>`__: DOC: update
> linalg section of roadmap for LAPACK versions.
> * `#9079 <>`__: MAINT: add
> spatial.transform to refguide check; complete some...
> * `#9081 <>`__: MAINT: Add
> warnings if pivot value is close to tolerance in linprog(method='simplex')
> * `#9084 <>`__: BUG fix incorrect
> p-values of kurtosistest in scipy.stats
> * `#9095 <>`__: DOC: add sections
> to mstats overview in scipy.stats
> * `#9096 <>`__: BUG: Add test for
> Stackoverflow example from issue 8174.
> * `#9101 <>`__: ENH: add Siegel
> slopes (robust regression) to scipy.stats
> * `#9105 <>`__: allow
> resample_poly() to output float32 for float32 inputs.
> * `#9112 <>`__: MAINT: optimize:
> make trust-constr accept constraint dict (#9043)
> * `#9118 <>`__: Add doc entry to
> cholesky_banded
> * `#9120 <>`__: eigsh
> documentation parameters
> * `#9125 <>`__: interpolative:
> correctly reconstruct full rank matrices
> * `#9126 <>`__: MAINT: Use
> warnings for unexpected peak properties
> * `#9129 <>`__: BUG: Do not catch
> and silence KeyboardInterrupt
> * `#9131 <>`__: DOC: Correct the
> typo in scipy.optimize tutorial page
> * `#9133 <>`__: FIX: Avoid use of
> bare except
> * `#9134 <>`__: DOC: Update of
> 'return_eigenvectors' description
> * `#9137 <>`__: DOC: typo fixes
> for discrete Poisson tutorial
> * `#9139 <>`__: FIX: Doctest
> failure in optimize tutorial
> * `#9143 <>`__: DOC: missing
> sigma in Pearson r formula
> * `#9145 <>`__: MAINT: Refactor
> linear programming solvers
> * `#9149 <>`__: FIX: Make
> scipy.odr.ODR ifixx equal to its data.fix if given
> * `#9156 <>`__: DOC: special:
> Mention the sigmoid function in the expit docstring.
> * `#9160 <>`__: Fixed a latex
> delimiter error in levy()
> * `#9170 <>`__: DOC: correction /
> update of docstrings of distributions in scipy.stats
> * `#9171 <>`__: better
> description of the hierarchical clustering parameter
> * `#9174 <>`__: domain check for
> a < b in stats.truncnorm
> * `#9175 <>`__: DOC: Minor
> grammar fix
> * `#9176 <>`__: BUG:
> CloughTocher2DInterpolator: fix miscalculation at neighborless...
> * `#9177 <>`__: BUILD: Document
> the "clean" target in the doc/Makefile.
> * `#9178 <>`__: MAINT: make
> refguide-check more robust for printed numpy arrays
> * `#9186 <>`__: MAINT: Remove
> np.ediff1d occurence
> * `#9188 <>`__: DOC: correct typo
> in extending ndimage with C
> * `#9190 <>`__: ENH: Support
> specifying axes for fftconvolve
> * `#9192 <>`__: MAINT: optimize:
> fixed @pv style suggestions from #9112
> * `#9200 <>`__: Fix
> make_interp_spline(..., k=0 or 1, axis<0)
> * `#9201 <>`__: BUG:
> sparse.linalg/gmres: use machine eps in breakdown check
> * `#9204 <>`__: MAINT: fix up
> stats.spearmanr and match mstats.spearmanr with...
> * `#9206 <>`__: MAINT: include
> benchmarks and dev files in sdist.
> * `#9208 <>`__: TST: signal: bump
> bsplines test tolerance for complex data
> * `#9210 <>`__: TST: mark tests
> as slow, fix missing random seed
> * `#9211 <>`__: ENH: add
> capability to specify orders in pade func
> * `#9217 <>`__: MAINT: Include
> ``success`` and ``nit`` in OptimizeResult returned...
> * `#9222 <>`__: ENH: interpolate:
> Use scipy.spatial.distance to speed-up Rbf
> * `#9229 <>`__: MNT: Fix Fourier
> filter double case
> * `#9233 <>`__: BUG:
> spatial/distance: fix pdist/cdist performance regression...
> * `#9234 <>`__: FIX: Proper
> suppression
> * `#9235 <>`__: BENCH:
> rationalize slow benchmarks + miscellaneous fixes
> * `#9238 <>`__: BENCH: limit
> number of parameter combinations in spatial.*KDTree...
> * `#9239 <>`__: DOC: stats: Fix
> LaTeX markup of a couple distribution PDFs.
> * `#9241 <>`__: ENH: Evaluate
> plateau size during peak finding
> * `#9242 <>`__: ENH: stats:
> Implement _ppf and _logpdf for crystalball, and do...
> * `#9246 <>`__: DOC: Properly
> render versionadded directive in HTML documentation
> * `#9255 <>`__: DOC: mention
> RootResults in optimization reference guide
> * `#9260 <>`__: TST: relax some
> tolerances so tests pass with x87 math
> * `#9264 <>`__: TST Use
> assert_raises "match" parameter instead of the "message"...
> * `#9267 <>`__: DOC: clarify
> expect() return val when moment is inf/nan
> * `#9272 <>`__: DOC: Add
> description of default bounds to linprog
> * `#9277 <>`__: MAINT:
> sparse/linalg: make test deterministic
> * `#9278 <>`__: MAINT:
> interpolate: pep8 cleanup in test_polyint
> * `#9279 <>`__: Fixed docstring
> for resample
> * `#9280 <>`__: removed first
> check for float in get_sum_dtype
> * `#9281 <>`__: BUG: only accept
> 1d input for bartlett / levene in scipy.stats
> * `#9282 <>`__: MAINT:
> dense_output and t_eval are mutually exclusive inputs
> * `#9283 <>`__: MAINT: add docs
> and do some cleanups in interpolate.Rbf
> * `#9288 <>`__: Run
> distance_transform_edt tests on all types
> * `#9294 <>`__: DOC: fix the
> formula typo
> * `#9298 <>`__: MAINT:
> optimize/trust-constr: restore .niter attribute for backward-compat
> * `#9299 <>`__: DOC:
> clarification of default rvs method in scipy.stats
> * `#9301 <>`__: MAINT: removed
> unused import sys
> * `#9302 <>`__: MAINT: removed
> unused imports
> * `#9303 <>`__: DOC: signal:
> Refer to fs instead of nyq in the firwin docstring.
> * `#9305 <>`__: ENH: Added
> Yeo-Johnson power transformation
> * `#9306 <>`__: ENH - add dual
> annealing
> * `#9309 <>`__: ENH add the
> yulesimon distribution to scipy.stats
> * `#9317 <>`__: Nested SLSQP bug
> fix.
> * `#9320 <>`__: MAINT: stats:
> avoid underflow in stats.geom.ppf
> * `#9326 <>`__: Add example for
> Rosenbrock function
> * `#9332 <>`__: Sort file lists
> * `#9340 <>`__: Fix typo in
> find_peaks documentation
> * `#9343 <>`__: MAINT Use np.full
> when possible
> * `#9344 <>`__: DOC: added
> examples to docstring of dirichlet class
> * `#9346 <>`__: DOC: Fix import
> of scipy.sparse.linalg in example (#9345)
> * `#9350 <>`__: Fix interpolate
> read only
> * `#9351 <>`__: MAINT:
> special.erf: use the x->-x symmetry
> * `#9356 <>`__: Fix documentation
> typo
> * `#9358 <>`__: DOC: improve doc
> for ksone and kstwobign in scipy.stats
> * `#9362 <>`__: DOC: Change
> datatypes of A matrices in linprog
> * `#9364 <>`__: MAINT: Adds
> implicit none to fftpack fortran sources
> * `#9369 <>`__: DOC: minor tweak
> to CoC (updated NumFOCUS contact address).
> * `#9373 <>`__: Fix exception if
> python is called with -OO option
> * `#9374 <>`__: FIX: AIX
> compilation issue with NAN and INFINITY
> * `#9376 <>`__: COBLYA -> COBYLA
> in docs
> * `#9377 <>`__: DOC: Add examples
> integrate: fixed_quad and quadrature
> * `#9379 <>`__: MAINT: TST: Make
> tests NumPy 1.8 compatible
> * `#9385 <>`__: CI: On Travis
> matrix "OPTIMIZE=-OO" flag ignored
> * `#9387 <>`__: Fix defaut value
> for 'mode' in 'ndimage.shift' in the doc
> * `#9392 <>`__: BUG: rank has to
> be integer in rank_filter: fixed issue 9388
> * `#9399 <>`__: DOC: Misc. typos
> * `#9400 <>`__: TST: stats: Fix
> the expected r-value of a linregress test.
> * `#9405 <>`__: BUG: np.hstack
> does not accept generator expressions
> * `#9408 <>`__: ENH: linalg:
> Shorter ill-conditioned warning message
> * `#9418 <>`__: DOC: Fix ndimage
> docstrings and reduce doc build warnings
> * `#9421 <>`__: DOC: Add missing
> docstring examples in scipy.spatial
> * `#9422 <>`__: DOC: Add an
> example to integrate.newton_cotes
> * `#9427 <>`__: BUG: Fixed defect
> with maxiter #9419 in dual annealing
> * `#9431 <>`__: BENCH: Add dual
> annealing to scipy benchmark (see #9415)
> * `#9435 <>`__: DOC: Add
> docstring examples for stats.binom_test
> * `#9443 <>`__: DOC: Fix the
> order of indices in optimize tutorial
> * `#9444 <>`__: MAINT:
> interpolate: use operator.index for checking/coercing...
> * `#9445 <>`__: DOC: Added
> missing example to stats.mstats.kruskal
> * `#9446 <>`__: DOC: Add note
> about version changed for jaccard distance
> * `#9447 <>`__: BLD:
> version-script handling in
> * `#9448 <>`__: TST: skip a
> problematic linalg test
> * `#9449 <>`__: TST: fix missing
> seed in lobpcg test.
> * `#9456 <>`__: TST:
> test_eigs_consistency() now sorts output
> Checksums
> =========
> MD5
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp34-cp34m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x86_64.macosx_10_10_intel.macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_i686.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp35-cp35m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x86_64.macosx_10_10_intel.macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_i686.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x86_64.macosx_10_10_intel.macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp35-cp35m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x86_64.macosx_10_10_intel.macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x86_64.macosx_10_10_intel.macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_i686.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x86_64.macosx_10_10_intel.macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl
> 64b2c35824da3ef6bb1e722216e4ef28802af6413c7586136500e343d34ba179
> scipy-1.2.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_i686.whl
> 78a67ee4845440e81cfbfabde20537ca12051d0eeac951fe4c6d8751feac3103
> scipy-1.2.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
> 04f2b23258139c109d0524f111597dd095a505d9cb2c71e381d688d653877fa3
> scipy-1.2.0-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl
> 5706b785ca289fdfd91aa05066619e51d140613b613e35932601f2315f5d8470
> scipy-1.2.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
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> scipy-1.2.0.tar.gz
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> scipy-1.2.0.tar.xz
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> =3Enc
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