Komodo IDE 4.3.0 and Komodo Edit 4.3.0 have been released. Installers
for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are available here:


What's New in Komodo 4.3.0

- New **Unit Testing Integration** for Python, Ruby, PHP and Perl.
Currently the Python support is for basic unittest-based test suites. In
subsequent versions we plan to add nose support. (Komodo IDE-only)

- New **Replace in Files** provides full and *safe* replace
functionality across whole source trees. There is a preview of changes,
and undo support.

- New **Find in Project** and significant improvements to the find
system to make it more convenient to find stuff.

- A new **Abbreviations** editor feature to quickly insert code
snippets. You'll never have to manually enter this again:

   if __name__ == '__main__':

- Komodo Edit is now open-source! Back in October, we announced the Open
Komodo project. We did that by November, but this release is finally the
first full open-source release of a Komodo app. A lot of Komodo is
written in Python (and XUL and JavaScript). We'd love for some of you to
get involved:  http://www.openkomodo.com/

ActiveState at PyCon

Todd Whiteman, one of the core Komodo developers, will be at PyCon in
Chicago this weekend. He'll be giving a lightning talk (on Friday) on
some of the cool PyXPCOM -- plugging Python into Mozilla -- work that
he's been doing.

He'd be happy to talk Komodo-shop with you.

About Komodo

Komodo IDE is a commercial multi-platform integrated development
environment for dynamic languages (Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, JavaScript)
and web tech (HTML, CSS, XML, XSLT): full-featured debuggers; code
browsing; Subversion, CVS and Perforce integration, regular expression
toolkit (Rx); interactive shells; and everything in Komodo Edit.

Komodo Edit is the free and *open-source* little brother of Komodo IDE.
It is a multi-platform, multi-language editor that kicks ass. Features

- an excellent editor (based on Scintilla)
- autocomplete and calltips for many languages
- Vi and Emacs keybindings
- background syntax checking
- syntax coloring for dozens of languages (including template languages
like Django's template language)
- schema-based XML autocomplete
- full project support
- remote files
- extensibility via Python or JavaScript macros, or via Firefox-style
- multi-language file support (get HTML, CSS and JavaScript autocomplete
all in one HTML file!).

If you tried Komodo before and weren't happy, give it another try. Let
us know what you think here:

community: http://community.activestate.com/products/Komodo
email: http://listserv.activestate.com/mailman/listinfo/komodo-discuss
bugs: http://bugs.activestate.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Komodo


Trent Mick
trentm at activestate.com


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